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Lokesha S (Engineer)     22 September 2016

Vat and service tax collected

In an apartment complex, we bought certain electronic equipments such as CCTV, TV and other security systems.

The prices were overly charged and now when verifying with market value we find the prices were 2 times the market value.

Just to make sure that the vendor has paid tax what he has collected, we want to check with commercial tax department about the tax paid for the bills provided to us.

Is it possible to check with commercial tax or other departments about tax paid by vendor on the bills provided to us (VAT tax is clearly shown as part of bill).

 3 Replies

Lokesha S (Engineer)     22 September 2016

Also service tax is collected, Invoice has bill number.  No e-sugama number. 

Can this be checked with any govt. agency about the tax being collected is paid.

Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     02 October 2016

Welcome to Dealer Search System

Using this web-site the public/dealer can see the details of the dealers of Karnataka based on the TIN or Firm Name entered. For this, the dealer needs to enter the TIN or Firm Name.

Enter the TIN  
Enter Firm Name  


(Minimum 4 Characters)

Select Distirct  ---Select---  Bagalkot  Bengaluru Belagavi  Ballari  Bidar  Vijayapura  Chamrajnagar  Chikkamagaluru  Chitradurga  Dakshin Kannada Davangere  Dharwad  Gadag  Kalaburagi  Hassan  Haveri  Kodagu  Kolar  Koppal  Mandya  Mysuru Raichur  Shivamogga Tumakuru  Udupi  Uttar Kannada Bengaluru(R) Chikkballapur Ramnagar Yadgir 

 Dear Client,

If you know the firm name and the name of the state and  district it is possible to know your TIN number of dealer in your /goods. For example Karnataka Government has provided on its website  for the benefit of whistle blowers enter the TIN number or firm name and district name so that we know the dealer and his  TIN No for  knowing whether he  has promptly payed VAT and Sales Tax. Kerala, Maharashtra, /andhra Ppradesh, /tamilNadu wetc states hve such websites where we can blow whistles of such tax evaders., If you appreciate this  reply please click the thank you button on this forum.

Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     02 October 2016

If you apopreciate the above reply please click the thank you button on this  forum. I fyou know the  firm name, state and  /districxt  commercial Taz departments od /states are proviidinfg  whistle blowers helkp on theirr wbsites. I FYO YU KNOW THE FIRM NAME AND  STATE AND DISTRICT IT WILL GIVE YOUU DETAILS OF TIN  number OF  /SDEALER,  hIS /VAT  AND  /SALES ?tAX AVOIDANCE OR OTHERWISE DETAILS.

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