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Damodaran   05 March 2016

Verbal abuse against my mother

Our Grandparents built our home by leaving 5 feet space in the right side of our home for easy commute from one street to other and also to allow sunlight (through window as there were no large house nearby). It was built about 40+ years back.
Now we plan to Restructure our home by using that leftover space. But the neighbor house owners are making trouble by saying that that space belongs to us. We have all the documents with map stating the space is ours.

During this problem they shouted at my mother with unwanted bad words. Our another neighbor recorded this verbal fight, and we have the video as evidence. 

How to file a case against them for both of this issue (land and Verbal abuse).

 4 Replies

ROHIT SHARMA (Legal Advisor )     05 March 2016

1. File a civil suit u/order 39 Rule 1 of C.P.C. against such neighbour seeking stay restarining from cliaming that such space is theirs.

ROHIT SHARMA (Legal Advisor )     05 March 2016

1. File a civil suit u/order 39 Rule 1 of C.P.C. against such neighbour seeking stay restarining from cliaming that such space is theirs.

saravanan s (legal advisor)     05 March 2016

do your neighbours have a seperate acess or was it only through the passage you are talking about

saravanan s (legal advisor)     05 March 2016

you can also file a case of criminal intimidation u/s 506 ipc

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