Last year in August; somebody deposited money(75,000) in my account n took something in lieu of that amount. i don't have any physical proof of that thing. Now he has launched an F.I.R. saying that i had promised him some job in canada. I never promised such a thing to him.He's calling me since January n asking me to send him money. Now after this F.I.R he's threatening me and asking me to deposit 1,50,000 in his account. The amount was deposited from delhi only n the case is being registered in Jabalpur, M.P. what can be done in such a case? the I.O from that area had come to my place n had asked me to meet him in Jabalpur.
kindly suggest something. i want to avoid going there because he's threatening me that he'll get me arrested.
kindly help. I am waiting for your reply.
Manoj Gupta