@Lollipop - what happened to BIG DADDY AND YOUR BIG SHOT LAWYER? - don't they know the answer to your problem sweetie?. How strange! - your daddy is paying mega bucks to this Advocate, who cleary must be reading fairy stories instead of law books.
I would suggest you SACK Mr Big Shot Lawyer - he isn't very intelligent or maybe he is? It could be because he has got a better deal from your husband and his Lawyer - is'nt that the way they do things in India? corruption and law go hand in hand. The Police arn't bothered either princess - you obviously didn't pay them enough - excuse me if i'm helpless with laughter at this point - I'm just glad i'm from a developed courntry and the legal system is fair. It looks like all the people on your case have joined hands to get a big slice of the money pie.
Darling, you are not the star of the next big Bollywood film - your little 'drama show' hasn't stopped all the courts in their tracks to focus just on you princess - and noone is going to send INTERPOL searching for your husband - not even big daddies faceless, spineless, tax payers money grabbing low down dirty dog b**stard beaurocrats, they are just small people. My dear, their influence has no more power to get your husband arrested at the airport than raising the skin off a rice pudding dish! - In other words - if they could do it, they would have - or is this too much for you to understand, as you appear to lack any sort of intelligence or intellect! Maybe you should call the PM - and if he is not too busy, ask him to come to dinner and tell him your story - he is after all a powerful man. While he is there - tell him to look at the poverty around him and to help those poor defencless people to get decent homes, decent jobs and a decent education - although of course, you are more important arnt you princess.
Guys - i am a woman - I am not a 'money minded, ball busting grabber. Nor am a misogynist or a misandrist. I truly believe in equality and justice for all.
I do not in anyway condone 498a if it is being used as a divorce tool by these cruel and heartless trolls - it's wicked, it's politically incorrect and i urge you all to lobby your PM to get this law changed - Lollipop is the very reason why it is wrong and should be changed - and she blatantly admits she is lying!
Join hands with Every Sufferer - visit his profile and join his forum - STOP FAKE 498A WOMEN IN THEIR TRACKS NOW!