wht shuld b done with pakistan ..............abut wht he did with d cricket team of sri lanka..........
he shuld b done black list no body should go there 4 trade or business practice or games etc........
ritu (na) 05 March 2009
wht shuld b done with pakistan ..............abut wht he did with d cricket team of sri lanka..........
he shuld b done black list no body should go there 4 trade or business practice or games etc........
AEJAZ AHMED (Legal Consultant/Lawyer) 05 March 2009
ICC should ban pakistan team to play further International games
Apurva Kumar (Practicing Lawyer) 05 March 2009
i vl support ur point but just see dre r mny people who didnt hv ny thin 2 do with dis at al wht do u say mam but must say these al should b curbed at d root level itslf nd these my hapen with ny country wht 2 do den?
Rekha..... ( Practicing lawyer(B.Com LL.M in Business law )) 05 March 2009
Dear Ritu
I hv suggested earlier that isolate Pakistan for everything. Pakistan is incurable disease We should cut this part from the World that’s it.
N.K.Assumi (Advocate) 05 March 2009
My Dear Rituji, forgive my ignorance, but could you kindly let me know what happened with our cricket team? I am from a remote parts of this country and I am ignorant of all those happenings.
M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Advocate & Consumer Rights) 06 March 2009
Terrorism has become a universal phenomenon, just isolating a particular country will not be a solution to terrorism. The developed countries have also faced terrorist attacks . . . but they use air opinions, give interview as if the terrorist problem persists only in asian countries . . . and they are very safe and secure in their country . . . they dont talk blasts in railways station at UK, in Spain, in USA etc. In particular the habitual offender is Mr. Chris Broad, who air opinion as if his country is heaven.
Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 ) 06 March 2009
All countries against terrorism. Therefore all the satellites to be vizillant over terrorists movement by using latest technology like GPS and attach immediately on them without damage property or other humans.
Guest (Guest) 06 March 2009
Understand the problems Pakistan is facing with impatiality. There, in that country different sections are fighting for power / survival. The democratic political set up is facing extreme difficult days in the hands of terrorists. Repeated attacks by terrorists on civilians, hotels, foreigners including its political leaders. There may be considerable section in their armed forces supporting the terrorists. There is a section in the clergy supporting the terrorists. The democratic voice is becoming weak. What neightbouring countries should do is to give full help to the democratic forces of country to control on army and stampout terrorism.
But what our political leadership is doing? Repeatedly attacking the democratic political set up of Pakistan for organising terrorist attacks in India and not controlling the terrrorism in its own country. We should provide all the possible help to the political set up of Pakistan to overcome this problems and gain control on its army, which is not visible at present.
Md. Ahjaz Ahmed is absolutely right.
NiTiN (Practise) 09 March 2009
Recently ICC declared that 'Pakistan is no more an international venue for (at least) cricket games.' This stand of ICC speaks for itself.
i do agree with views of Ms. Rekha but the observations of Piravi perumal M. & Prabhakar cannot be overlooked....Good observations.