Dear all Respected Learned Council, i hereby represent my case of Vigillance Checking report under electricity act 2003. last year,in September month Xen Vig.wing filled a V.C.R regarding mis use of Electricity under elect.act2003 and Order no. JPR-748(Hostel Purpose).
in their order jpr-748, it is mentioned that sub divisisonal office should be identify such private hostels and give such hosteles a 15 days notice for category change. but in my case, no notice given me by sub divisonal office and without issuing notice,they filled a vcr amounting Rs.1,42000
from jvvnl commercial wing, in march 15,they had published a notice in local newspaper, but due to small advertisement,we didnt look on this. we have deposited same amount with 25% rebate.
my question is
can i demand them same amount due to not serving the notice?