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Bhawani Mahapatra (Law Officer)     29 December 2010

Violation of fundamental right

Orissa is famus for Lord Jagannath Temple at Puri. The word "Jagannath" literary means Lord of the whole world. But non Hindu devotees are not allowed to entered in to the temple. Some says there is a local law in the name of "Jagannath Temple Management Act-1955 wherein it has been stated there. If it is so, is it not violating the right to equality guaranteed to Indian citizen.

Is there any remedy for this ?

 12 Replies

Gulshan Tanwar (Advocate)     29 December 2010

File a writ and then see what is going to happen with the same.

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There is only one way to gurrantee right to equality- Get the pot bellied manuwadi manhoos out of the temple and replace them with lower caste Hindus as state govt paid employees with revenues from the temples going directly to state exchequers. Those ponga pandits will otherwise never allow right to equality even amonst hindus as it serves their purpos very well.

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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     30 December 2010

All the devotees should be allowed, irrespective of their caste creed gender region religion, since a devotee is a devotee after all. 

It is very sad part.

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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     30 December 2010

yes it is there.


once mrs indira gandhi and very recently, one foreigner insulted by them.

i saw the foreigner lady wipping in the tv screen testerday.

she entired into the mandir, got insulted thereafter.

it is not fare.

however mohamedans also do not allow non mohamedans in masjid.

only christians allowed it. even one non christian may present at the time of prayer.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     30 December 2010

right to equality not applicable to everywhere uniformly.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     30 December 2010

only a public movement can set it right.


mind that the strong opposition is there from the hindu fundamentalists.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     30 December 2010

however your question is good and appreciable.

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Ajoy (Manager)     30 December 2010

I am not sure - if a place of worship is public property or a private property.

In case they are Private property, their owners have right to set rules regarding utilisation of its premises. 

But, if they are Public Property, every user has to be treated equally. 

Like , I can enter a Railway station ( Public Property) , but can not enter a golf course  ( a Private Property) without an invitation. The owner of the premises has right to extend or deny permission of entry based on any criteria , which he decides.

However,  for a property to be Public, it must be owned by the Government. I am not sure whether that is feasible for a place of worship, in a constitutionally secular country.

I feel that the issue of entry Jagannath Temple should rather be taken up by social means, instead of legal interventions.

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Issue is what is being achieved by the self proclaimed direct descendent of Gods who tends to dictate terms? Is it to tell others that their Gods are different than others. In the past those very direct descendant of Gods used to debar Dalits from entering their temples. Jaganath temple in orissa is just one of them . Till the time the willing/ or indoctrinated bribe givers to unidentified identities ( namely their Gods) stops visiting those places , offer valuables in cash ( mostly black money) or kinds those direct descendant will have a jolly good time. It is not very difficult to fathom why Orissa with Lord Jaganath in their midst is one of poorest states in whole of India.

It is time the Oriya community get rid of those Lordsand their direct descendents forever to their heavenly abodes leaving the vast prime lands for common use.

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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     31 December 2010

It needs some reforms and openness.

Moreover, as per me it is not a fundamental right issue.

Rule of Law or state shall not discriminate,

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Vishwa (translator)     31 December 2010

I wonder if there is any merit in visiting this particular temple. I went there a few years ago. Right from the time I set foot there, I was perstered by a horde of Pandas and guides who were simply after my money. When I refused to shell out, I was treated with utmost contempt and was chased out.

It also remains that the town of Puri is quite sordid and the temple with the huge monies it collects can work for the betterment of its people.

In all these matters, lessons are to be learnt from the Tirupathi temple which is no doubt the best managed temple in India.



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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     01 January 2011


Once in a town some groups of schedule castes were adamant to enter into a temple, while Brahmins were restricting them.

The groups of schedule castes complained it to local SDM. The SDM was very intelligent and witty and also happened to be a schedule caste. He simply replied to them that why you want to enter into their temple let it be theirs only and even refuse to enter. Also you may make your own temple.


The solution lies in when it is restricted; there is no use of entering into the temple.

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