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Harsha Jade Puttaswamy (Common citizen)     08 May 2012

Violation of right to education of my son by kvidayalaya


Dear Advocates,


Government made a law called Right to Education Act which has also been upheld by Supreme Court recently.

I have a son 5 year 10 month old as on March, 31st 2012. He needs to be admitted to Class-1.  I was working in West Bengal, Berhampore - a remote place just 40 km from Bangladesh border in a Central Government Department. My family was residing at Mysore, Karnataka because my son faced severe language problem and was studying nursery (UKG) at Mysore which was completed only on 27-03-2012 and result came on 12-04-2012.

I was relieved from duties at Berhampore, West Bengal and joined Bangalore office on 04-04-2012. I approached Kendriya Vidyalayas here at Bangalore close to my rented residence at North Bangalore for granting admission to my son to Class-1. To my shock, the Kendriya Vidyalaya said that the admission cycle/process is over and my son will never get admission for class-1. He will get admission only for II standard next year. They also said, as per implementation of RTE, the vacancies have been filled up by poor students of private persons of requisite percentage as per stipulated guidelines, and hence my son will not get admission. Kendriya Vidyalaya says that there admission process is over in Feb till 20th March, 2012. It is not understandable how a Central Government transferable official could admit his children, when his transfer happens only after March/April? Then, Kendriya Vidyalaya officials say, that admission should have been done at Berhampore, West Bengal even before coming to Bangalore! Strange, because my son was still to complete at U.K.G and that too he was in Mysore. Thus, with these reasons, Kendriya Vidyalayas have denied education to my son.

As a result, today, despite being a Central Government employee, today my son is denied his Right to get Education. I am a salaried employee, but I have no capacity to educate him in private institutions that charge fees at exorbitant rates.

As per Right to Education Act, the schools should not deny admission with the reason that admission cycles are over. Still, these Central Govt Institutions are caring a damn for provisions of RTE. In addition, the schools are denying to disclose which private students have been given admission. The Principals are very rigid, they behave like Viceroys of British. I contact for help with regional Office and central office KVS, New Delhi. But no help has been offered so far.

I am feeling India is a hell, only influence and money works. Today, despite worked sincerely in Govt, I have been treated like a dog from one school to another. This is hell, people enjoy others misery. People here do not work unless they get money, influence or punishment but certainly not for legality, rules and regulations. There is no respect for law in this country.

Can any advocate give a good and articulate legal opinion here?


Many thanks 


 1 Replies


it is not your feeling sir. india is really a hell or it is going to be so. if today you are rich industrialist, you will have your kid admitted in central govt. school within a minute.


look according to rte 2010, 25% of the seat should be reserved for children of weaker and socially disadvantagous section of the society in every school. so i think in your case the seats of k vidyalaya has already been filed up because of reservation. and the act says that admissions already completed will not be you cannot challenge the school authority on any ground of rte because you don't belong to the weaker and socially disadvantagous section of the society anyway.


this rte is challenged in supreme court but court said that it is perfectly constitutional from the point of view of child. so you cannot challenge the act also on personal liberty ground.

in this case you better find out another school. that will be better. or the unaided minority schools like madrassas, vedic schools where religious teachings is given are kept out of the ambit of law by court. so you can try there too.


i am sorry for your problem sir. but since the law becomes so partial and discriminatory, we cannot help.



Attached File : 104089492 main features of rte act 2009.doc downloaded: 127 times

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