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seshadri vikrala ( Asst.Security Commissioner/Group 'A' RETIRED)     02 September 2015

Vision of the country's 11th President, Hon'ble APJ Abdul Kalam at Visakhapatnam

Vision of the country's 11th President, Honourable Kalam’s PRESIDENT’S FLEET’ at VISAKHAPATNAM-Has come true. The citizens of Andhra Pradesh/Telangana and in particular of VISAKHAPATNAM always remember HIM:


It is worth to remember HIM in the words of our Home Minister Mr. Rajnath Singh “Dr. Kalam was a man of impeccable character, indomitable spirit, profound knowledge and firm conviction. His death is an irreparable loss to this nation. He has left a big void hard to fill”.


In all respects this is true and the people of Andhra Pradesh and in particular, people of of VISAKHAPATNAM can never forget him in their life’s time who virtually witnessed the PRESIDENT’S FLEET REVIEW that was under all prestigious and secured conditions held at VSKP in 2005. 


As Honourable President of India, during his tenure, expressed his wish to have the President‘s Fleet at Vizag. His wish might be that at VISAG even ordinary person also can see and enjoy the President’s Fleet.


It is matter with pride to note that since independence and in British regime, (Military / Naval Force Marine Warfare type exercises)- Fleet used to be held at Mumbai deep-sea’s area, where only the VVIPs, other special and distinguished guests were allowed to witness the Fleet. In my considered view, it is very difficult task even to get access to view its rehearsals or to get a Pass/invitation to witness the Fleet.


Why Late Mr. Kalam, chosen Visakhapatnam to organize the Fleet there? I feel to state something about our VISAG.


Our Honourable APJ Abdul Kalam, for several years, as an ordinary scientist having worked at Visakhapatnam, and having known in-and-out of our Visakhapatnam city, wished that the Fleet be held at VISAG.


Though it is named as the ‘Place of Destiny’, and a Tourist Hub, it is in fact having its own importance in the Armed Forces and nation’s security backup. The city is circumsfrensed with headquarters of Eastern Naval Command, with varied science and technological establishments, like Naval Science and Technical Laboratory-DRDO Lab, CQAE (Chief Quality Assurance Establishment), Naval Dockyard, Naval Base, Submarine Base, NAD, Bharat Dynamics, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Research with Nuclear Power Technology School, National Institute of Oceanography, India Meteorological Department, and so on.


HE might have thought that the Defence and Home Ministry shall fulfill HIS wish. In fact the GOI has obliged and brought the heaven to earth, the Fleet, which could be seen by around 5-6 lakhs people.


It was in fact a herculean task for the Police, CPOs, RPF and Naval Forces and the IB to have such a dynamic and almost secret Fleet Exercises be brought open to one and all. The GOI did it with all honors to our Late Abdul Kalam. But for him, every person could see and enjoy as to what actually ‘President’s Fleet’ mean.


 We the citizens of India, and all persons from Telangana and the Andhra Pradesh States, in particular, who witnessed the Rehearsals and the scheduled Fleet at VISAG, are indeed indebted to HIM.


We Salute him and for his magnanimity in bringing the Fleet operations from out of Mumbai and to other East Coast State.


(This is a traditional and inherited from the British Navy, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, in India the Honourable President, reviews the Navy as if on Parade, and in fact reviews the Indian Fleet once during his tenure in office. It is an impressive ceremony, second only to the Republic Day Parade, but it has its won significance and value in the eyes of World Armed Forces. Naval ships and ships from maritime organizations like the Coast Guard, the Merchant Navy, the National Institute of Oceanography, the Oil and Natural Gas Commission, Training Ship Rajendra and Naval Yard craft and many other are anchored precisely in neat lines and dressed overall. Many other events concerning to the inter-active participation of Air Force and Navy have also were inducted.)


By: V.Seshadri,

ASC/RPF/Retired, B.Sc;

LL.M; Crl.Laws;


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