I have few audio recordings ni original format which are very useful to fight my case.
1) Call recordings (recording while talking to wife on phone): I do not have call details to support those recordings as that mobile number of mine has been deactivated. Will such call recordings (not supported by call details) be accepted?
2) Voice recordings (of family meetings that we had with wife parents): In one of a recording (of duration about 2 hours) my in laws accepted ( in a very clear voice) all my wife's mistakes and her abrupt behaviour but some part (10 minutes) of that recording (which is not useful) is not very clearly audible as MIL was sitting far. Will such a recording accepted as the most of the recording (in which MIL accepted wife's all mistakes) is audible????
3) What is other party refuse that the voice is not theirs? I have heard that judges at family court are very lethargic to send such recordings at forensic lab?? Is it the scenario is family courts??