One person one vote, same principal followed in voting of General election is followed in Co-operative Housing Society's election.
Let us assume that Mr A with his wife B, his son C and daughter D, have ten flats in one Co-operative Housing Society.
Let us assume that, all ten flats have A is main owner, and B, C and D are Co-owners in all ten flats in the same order.
Then, by filling Associate membership form of Appendix-5, in Bye-laws book for any three (out of ten) flats, make each one co-buyer, a Co-member of one flat each.
By filling form given in Appendix-10-A, for each of the three co-members, main member "A" can make them members eligible to vote and contest election of the Managing Committee election.
Similarly, "A" will be member of all ten flats. Flats for which "A" fills in Form of Appendix-10-A, he is still member, but he has relinquished his rights in favour of his Co-buyers, to make them eligible to be voters, contest the election to get elected on Managing Committee.
Since "A" owns ten flats in the Society with his three Co-Buyers, if he allows each of his co-buyers to fill the forms as above, for two flats, then each co-buyer will get two flats to vote, and "A" will retain with him four flats as voter.
In such a case, in the election of the society, his name as voter will remain in the voter's list for four flats.
The movement he casts his vote for Managing Committee election of the Society, his other three votes will get cancelled.
Similarly, his three co-buyers, as state above each one will have two votes.
The movement they cast their vote in Society's election, each one will lose his/her second vote.