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SANTOSHSINGH. (ADVOCATE     20 December 2016

Wake up call for advocates

    WAKE UP CALL FOR ADVOCATES.  - You have nothing to loose than your helpless ness.

  1. The entire backbone of judicial system is on advocates but they are blamed for all its shortcomings. The freedom movement was organized and won by advocates but those who came in power thereafter have put them in the last row. Why it happens. Your relevance has become weak. Your representatives push you to more  irrelevance for their personal agenda. You can change it here and now.


  1. Say if you are hundred at any place about  60=70 register in any association. Out of which 40 to 50 come for voting in any election. Three to four or more candidates are contesting. So person getting 15=20 votes out of hundred becomes your local president. So are your state council members. And Nation level members never come to you since they are chosen from state members.Now your National President says that more than thirty percent advocates are bogus since he or she do not have ground level knowledge. Can he or she show even three at a place where they practice.


  1. So start from local level. No person getting less than fifty percent votes should be elected. No body should be given more than two chances and no body should hold more than one post. Your associations will become truly responsive and its power will be felt to the last person in the line.


  1. This can be start of true reprentative democracy from panchayat to National level.To day in our system people get elected on micro majority and stay in power by dividing people among themselves.


  1. We can make legal system efficient and faster min ten times to hundred times even thousand tines  in short time without any new staff or additional expanses or even additional space.
  1. Give every advocate, laptop, computer and scanner by interest free loans. Connect them to local association. Which in turn be connected to state association and all such state association with each other on National level.So any advocate sitting at any corner of the country can conduct in any case by moving through his association to other local association and to an individual advocate. The response will go in same way by return process.
  2. Today millions of persons are moving on daily basis from this corner to that corner of the country attending courts year after year , putting strain on transport and infrastructure with no perceptible results.
  3. Make laws and procedures uniform all over the  country. And make District HQ as center for dissension of justice. This one step will make the legal system ten to hundred  times more efficient from day one.
  4. Filing of any cause should be at taluka or city level and first appeal or revision at Dt level. High courts should be only for second appeal , writs and SUPREME COURT for constitutional matters only.
  5. We have met most of the successive law ministers. They are not aware that where a particular can be filed and where is its next stage. Example the cooperative sector has registrar, co=op courts,arbitration  tribunals , DRT. List is endless. For a consumer dispute you to go to  district level and appeal at state level. Imagine an adivasi person living in a helmet seeking justice for a consumer dispute. Why not authorize every JMFC to entertain consumer disputes. So is with all other matters.


 We are for those who do not have any support or reservation.    JISKE SATH  KOI NAHI  USKE SATH  HAM.




 6 Replies

adv.bharat @ PUNE (Lawyer)     20 December 2016

sir i am with you. 

How to convince the senior that is more difficult task in front of me and others too.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     20 December 2016

Constructive Discussion on topics and matters  always help.

SANTOSHSINGH. (ADVOCATE     21 December 2016

A thousand mile journey starts from first step. KARVA BARHTA GAYA BANDE JURTE GAYE.

SANTOSHSINGH. (ADVOCATE     21 December 2016

कारवा चलता गया लोग जुड़ते गए . हज़ार मील का सफर भी पहले कदम से शुरू होता हे . हर कदम मंज़िल की तरफ कदम हे. हर नयी कोशिश के लिए लोग इंतज़ार करते हे कौन आगे बढ़े . छोटी आग को छोटी हवा बुझा देती हे पर तूफानी आग को तूफानी हवा भी और बढ़ा तूफान बना देती हे .

SANTOSHSINGH. (ADVOCATE     22 December 2016

दोस्तों आप अपने शहर में भी इस मूवमेंट को शुरू कर सकते हे . चेक बाउंस और सरफेसी एक्ट के केसेस पर ध्यान दे . सिर्फ आरोपी का काम लीजिये . आरोपी को लोन डिफाल्टर को न्याय दिलाना बड़ा काम हे .इसमे सफलता मिलने के बहुत रस्ते हे . मेहनत करनी पड़ेगी परन्तु आपका नाम बढ़ेगा और काम भी बढ़ेगा . इससे इस मूवमेंट के फेलाने के मदद मिलेगी . हम आपके साथ हे और रहेगे .

SANTOSHSINGH. (ADVOCATE     30 December 2016

बुद्धिमान दोस्त तू बुद्धि का मालिक हे .

इसलिए  देवी लक्ष्मि से तेरी दोस्ती बनती नहीं.

देनेवाला तुझे देने को झोली भरकर तैयार खड़ा  हे पर तू अपनी बुद्धि के जोश में तानकर  खड़ा हे..

औरंगजेब की माँ का मालिक जहाँगीर था ऐसे सवालो का जबाब देकर जो पहली क्लास के ज्यादा नंबर लाता हे और  कोई हुनर नहीं वही आगे नोकरशाह  बनता हे . नउटंकी नेता जो माइक्रो मेजोरिटी से जीतकर कुर्सी पर आ ता हे ये दोनों मिलकर राज चलाते  हे .

फिर कायदे कानून सिस्टम के जंजाल की जेल में जूझे जिंदगी भर उलझाये रखते हे .

जान ले समझ ले में आज तुझे तेरी सही पहचान करने आया हूँ


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