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raj malhotra (M.D)     12 August 2011

Wanna teach a lesson to wife and in laws.can i do ???

hi ...respected members and advocates...need opinion on this situation...


married in june 2010...wife was unco-operative so marriage was unconsummated and after 10 days wife asked to live speratle frm parents started living seperately...still wife remained un co-operative..used her mind to get rid of me and demanded seperated by august 2010...tried a lot to talk to my wife n in laws but they didnt talk to me...blamed me wid many false allegations...took 7 lac as permanent alimony ...the agreemnet which panchayat gave it just states that my wife took all money relating to her stridhan n maintainance n property rights....and on august 2011 i had to sign the mutual consent divorce papers bcs still inlaws were threatnening wid false the first motion is passed n i got date for feb if i take my consent back???can i take it back...they have signed papers in mcd tht they took their strreedhan n maintainance as one time alimnoy...can they still entangle me in false cases????i wanna teach them a lesson...tey spoiled my life n my peace just for money...can i teach them anything being on safer side of law...they had admitted they took alimony in mcd papers and i also have a palin paper which was signed by girls father when he took her away from my house wid her all gold and can they still say i throw my wife out of my house which actually never happened..pls guide me.

 6 Replies

GIRISH KUMAR, ADVOCATE (Lawyer)     12 August 2011

Dear Raj,


First you have to remember that husband or wife any one can back from the mutual divorce petition before second motion and foer the rest query you have to contact a reputed lawyer.


Girish KUmar


AAK (Advocate)     12 August 2011

Mr. Raj, Certainly you can withdraw consent petition but I suggest just let her go and get the mutual consent decree. Forget  whatever has happened n Just move on or else you will ruin your most of the life in court premises.

G.Santhivinayagam (Legal Practitioner)     13 August 2011

I can suggest  better you leave this matter and it will come as it was posted, better get the divorce and get out of this evil life.  atlest you could live peaceful life. In that divorce petition it self you both should state all the facts like that all sridana propery was taken back and no more alimony etc., Law is correct but it can be mis used by the authority so better come out this evils and be free.  Teahing lesson will not give any happyness to you at the same time it may affect you . Forgive and forget that incident and be free from all future worries. If you believe God he will take care  or  any way nature will punish them.


Be happy forget the past.

Vikash yadav (not applicable)     20 August 2011

Mr. Raj I am agree with the advise of Shri Ajit even though if you are unable to forget this in that case you have to approach a professional who can provide consutancy about this matter not only in term of legal aspect but also in social and spritual aspect



Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     22 August 2011

you are writing something else in another thread Raj


hope u cleared MCD..

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