Hello Everyone,
We had purchased a property of around 10 cents 2 years back in Mangalore, Karnataka. The seller showed us our property and also he measured the same before us. We had constructed the boundary around the property. Now seller once again survyed the whole property including the adjacent properties and found that our 10 cents property is not as per what he showed before. The angle of our property looks different now and does not match as per the sketch in the sale deed agreement. The lengths of all the four side is still the same and we still have the 10 cents but it does not match in terms of angle with what we have in our sale deed agreement.
We got the property surveyed twice and they also confirmed the same. We need advise to know should we ask the seller to correct the sale deed sketch as per how we have now on the ground so that we do not have to face any issue while constructing or saling the property to other person ??
Or, can we leave this as it is now and no need to change in the sale deed ??
I have attached the sketch of property in our sale deed and also the one that is prepared by the surveyour.
The yellow shadded portion is our property in the sale deed sketch and in the PDF the dark solid line is our property