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sonu jain (1)     26 February 2013

Want divorce plz. suggest

Hello sir/madam,

1. i married on nov 2010 my wife went to her home in apr. 2011 and file a complaint in caw cell.

2.. she come back in 2sep. 2011 nd after dat she tell me 26 sep. dat she is pregnent

3. nd again she go back her home 22 feb 2012 nd file again a complaint in caw cell in 24aug. 2012

4. our last hearing in caw cell in october nd till now they don't lodge a fir, they mention in said complaint dat she

came at her house on 7 month of pregnancy which is mar to apr.2012

5. Now we r seprated nearly from 1year, now i want to divorce i luv my child but not to her because she made issue

on small things. pls. tell me am i file a divorce case after 1 year seperation nd how much time to get it nd she

said to me in caw cell that she didn't came back nd also don't give me divorce. Now. plz. helpers suggest me u r

experts. Now i don't want to live with her because my nd my family future is unsafe with her.


 2 Replies

Suresh AV (NA)     26 February 2013

Ask her (or in blatant way: beg her) to agree on "Mutual Consent Divorce" - You will be able to part away easily.  Otherwise I must tell you dude; She will start firing you with 498A, crpc 125 and other Indian Law bullets.

According to me you have 3 Options- (If She doesn't agree on MCD)

1) Face the Law (It's obvious you are going to loose- No wonder; and be ready to pay huge money for settlement)

2) Bow down to her demands; beg her ; please her;  do all sort of things ; As you would be on her mercy.

3) Apply Wait and Watch and Survival Tactics Strategy !


I am not lawyer;As they are honest most of the times as they do mention right consequences but reality is ugly. So I won't demotivate you; If you are a figher.

Alok Tholiya (self employed)     26 February 2013

If u truely love ue child and want child to be brought up in a full and balanced person then give up your hurt and settlle down in life . Time is a big healer and one day will come when u will realise that u hv done good for all concerend by patching up. The road to police, advocate, court, remarriage, mainenance to be paid to child, mother and other headaches are too much to take and spoils life.

Both of you need good counselor and good spiritual guide to help burry past.

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