Hi, this ismail, from hyderabad. I am 27 and an MBA and working as a proprietor of an organisation which deals in accounting and taxation services. I have my office at santoshnagar, having good office space and infrastructure.
Here i can to search for lawyers who wanted to make thier career in accounting and taxation field. I am looking to make a partnership firm consisting of three members.
1. Me (MBA) with 5 years of experience in accounting and taxation field, similar experience in teaching also.
2. One partner (LLB or LLM) (with experience or without experience in above)
3. One C.A final discontinued or C.A inter
Iam having a good office space and infrastructure.
Seperate cabins can be setup for the other tow partners and remaining space will be used for assistants. computers, furniture is also available.
Expected income for each member is minimum 2 lakhs per annum from the year two.