Society has 8 buildings. 2 blgs having 2BHKs with 2 Bathroom, 3 building with 2.5 BHK 2 Bathrooms, 3 buildings with 3BHK 3 bathrooms.
In the recent GBM majority of the members felt that the water charges should be shared equally by all and not on the basis of no of inlets etc. Given the fact that we get water from corporation which gets collected in underground tank and then pumped to overhead tanks of 8 buildings. All the buildings have almost same capacity overhead tanks.
As per the byw-laws, water charges to be chared based on number of inlets and size of inlets per flat.. However, if the water source is same, overhead tank capcity is same then does this rule apply?
I would like to understand under what conditions the bye-law rule can be overriden if at all it can be done. Logically that rule in bye law does not make sense ...