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Rajneesh Madhok (Advocate)     30 October 2010

Water connection not provided to very poor lady

Water Connection not provided to Very Poor lady

आज तिथी २७-९-2010 गाँव भाबिअना में chairman की प्रधानगी में मीटिंग हुई जिस में नीचे लिखी कार्रवाई अमल में लाई गई,
मता:- गाँव बहैअना में पंजाब सरकार और वर्ल्ड bank के सहयोग से गाँव जल सप्लाई की scheme चली जा रही है, उस में GPWSC बहिअना में घरों में कनेक्शन जारी करने लिए हर गाँव वासी द्वारा विनय पत्र मांगे गए थे, chairman द्वारा यह फैसला लिया गया था, पानी का कनेक्शन उस व्यक्ति को ही मिलेगा जिस का  गाँव में अपना घर और राशन कार्ड की कापी विनय पत्र के साथ लगी होगी, जिस का गाँव में नाजायज़ कब्ज़े वाली जगह पर घर होगा उस को पानी का कनेक्शन नहीं दिया जायेगा , फूल बहार जिस जगह पर रहती है, असल में वह जगह शादी राम पुत्र बेली राम को सरकारी हिदायतों मुताबिक पंचायत  की shaamlat  जमीन में पांच मारले का plot दिया गया, इस लिए फूल बहार इस ही जमीन में रह रही है, और पानी का कनेक्शन लेने के लिए कह रही है, पर रिहायशी सबूत नहीं दे रही है, गलती से फूल बहार से security के २५०/- रुपये भी लिए गए थे जिस की रसीद फूल बहार को दी गयी थी, असल में यह plot शादी राम पुत्र बेली राम के नाम पर बोलता है, अब committee के member इस से ली गई security २५०/- देने लिए तैयार हैं, मता पास किया गया जो की मंजूर  है,  


The Chairman of Gram Panchayat Water and Sanitation Committee returned the water connection charges deposited by a labourer Mrs. Phool Bahar on 1-4-2010. On not providing the water connection the Chairman of Village Water & Sanitation committee returned the amount of Rs 250/- vide Demand Draft with the uncertified copy of the proceeding book. The contents of the Proceeding book is as under:

The Chairman on filing the application under RTI Act, 2005 regarding the action taken report on the application failed to reply to the queries and ultimately after the gap of 7 months returned the fees without any covering letter. He sent the uncertified copy of the Proceeding book. The contents of the copy of Proceeding book is as under:

Points to be considered about copy of Proceeding book:

1.      There is no page number of the Proceeding book.

2.      The date of Proceeding 27-9-10 has been entered with Fresh ball pen of blue ink whereas the Proceeding book’s copy is the photocopy of the document with signatures of 13 members.

3.      The Demand Draft of Rs 250/- has been enclosed with the copy of Proceeding book.

Contents of Proceeding book’s copy

Today on 27-9-10 the meeting under the chairmanship of Village the Charman was conducted and the following actions have been taken.


In Village Bhabiana with the aid of the World Bank, the  Punjab Government is making development in the field of Water Supply in rural areas..

Regarding the above cited matter GPWSC (Gram Panchayat Water and Sanitation Committee) had invited applicatons from village residents to issue water connections.(No such applications had been sought by the Village Panchayat or Chairman).  The Chairman had decided that the water connection will be issued to the person of the village who will submit the proof of ownership and the copy of ration card with the application. (No requirement had been made at the time of issuance of water connection receipts). The person who has house on the encroached land (illegitimate occupation) the water connection to that house will not be provided. (No such directions have been issued at the time of issue of deposit receipts). In which place Phool Bahar lives, actually that place has been allotted to Shadi Ram S/o Beli Ram on the government instructions on five marlas plots allotted on Shamlat (Government Land) land. Phool Bahar is living on that land (but there is built house with concrete slab on the house) and was saying for allotment of water connection (The fees for connection has been paid 7 months back). but has not provided the residential proof of ownership. By mistake the security deposit of Rs 250/- has been accepted for which the receipt has been issued to Phool Bahar. Actually this plot has ownership title in the name of Shadi Ram Son of Beli Ram. Now the committee members are ready to refund Rs 250/= deposited as Security. The said proceeding has been passed and approved.

Points to be considered

1.      The construction on the land has been made by the poor lady. She had purchased the said plot by paying the demanded amount to the owner of the land and had been living in the village. As she is down to earth lady and used to earn livelihood by doing domestic chores in the houses of villagers

2.      As the house is constructed by her with her own savings by doing petty jobs, when the receipt has been issued and she had submitted the copy of  ration card on getting it allotted by Food & Civil Supplies department even then the water connection has not been allotted to her.

3.      From the last three years the construction has been made on the said plot and so the water connection for domestic purpose is applied.

4.      The Chairman has rejected the application on which ground it has not been provided to the applicant.

5.      No copy of rules and regulations framed by the Department regarding issuance of water connection has been provided to the appellant so far though First appeal’s time has already been passed.

6.      Time frame to act on the applications of this kind has not been provided by the PIO so far.

7.      This is deprivation of one’s basic amenities of life as per the provisions of Article 21 of Constitution of India.

8.      When the necessary charges have been made, is it valid ground to refund the amount after seven months.

9.      The Chairman has failed to provide copy of rules framed by the Government regarding release of water connection under Rural Water and Sanitation scheme so far.

10.  The matter is concerned with life and liberty of the consumer.

11.  Though the connection has been released and the tap has been installed in the premises of the applicant. Afterwards the connection has been disconnected by the said Panchayat.

Kindly suggest the next course of action in the interest of the family that is earning livelihood by doing domestic chores.


Rajneesh Madhok,

B-xxx/63, Nehru Nagar,

St. No. 2, Railway Road,

Phagwara-144401 (Pb)


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