I came across a unique way of confirming bank account and I thought I will share with you.
My spouse had cliamed that she does not have a bank account - to me it appeared false on its face. How can a educated person not maintain bank account these days.
So working on my instinct and through some human intelligence I came to know couple of account numbers. Next thing was to how to generate proof that those account belongs to her.
Couple of ususal tools - like RTI, and requesting bank to give statement were not of help as RTI classify them as confidential informaiton and taking bank account statement as third party is illegal and I did not want to go there.
Yesterday, One of my friend suggested one very simple yet novel way - why don't you deposit some money in that account? Bank will give you counterfoil with account number, name bank stamp and signature.
Iam happy to inform you that today I executed it and Ihave already got account number proof in my hand.
Hope it helps needy.