Well, when viewed from universal scheme of things, the way God has created his universe, several aspects that are blown hot and cold in various courts, unions etc appear to be totally different. It pertains ALL aspects: Working hours, number of working days in a week, work, rewards, happiness etc, etc .
* governMINT pErmanents hardly work for 270 plus days (2/3rd). Some segments, colleges, courts etc work for less than half a year and take away FULL PLUS, PLUS, PLUS salary. Output is virtually NILL. A news item, "Supreme Court has more "Chuttis" than working days" will be of interest, https://news.vakilno1.com/2007/11/supreme-court-has-more-chuthis-than.html
* Some segments like watch and ward work for 365 days!!!!
The very scheme of classifiying mankind amidst universal constituents needs to be changed. All aspects should be based on accurate, reliable facts and figures. The new scheme of things should give adequate representation to all forms of life and not limit itself to mankind alone. It should take all aspects: Forms of life, resources available, rewards (output), work (expected contributions i.e. inputs) etc in its entirety and arrive at balanced rules, ways of livelihood; cause a new civilisation that will lead to a new "Era" itself. The concepts, modes that govern rules needs a review, rather a revamp.