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Kaustubh Thaknaik ( lawyer)     18 August 2009

what aftr law degree....LLM or cs

what aftr law degree....LLM or company secretary(urgent need of ur sugestion ) i m a fresh law i want to made my carrier as a advocate practicing in copany law maters in High court and Suprem court . plzzzzz advise me.

 8 Replies

A V Vishal (Advocate)     19 August 2009

I suggest that if you want to appear as advocate in corporate matters in HC or SC join LLM however, CS also has its pros and cons, LLM can be completed easily but in case you of CS you may not ending up the course not before 4 years.

Raman ( )     19 August 2009

Apart from what Mr. Vishal suggested, also read this thread before you make any decision:

Bhumik Dave (Law officer)     19 August 2009

Its depends on you interest and econmc condition

R.R. KRISHNAA (Legal Manager)     19 August 2009

If you are going to practice law then LLB itself is sufficient .  No need to study LLM.  But if you are joining a corporate sector then you have to study ACS.  Because almost all companies nowadays require candidates to have CS + LLB qualification for the post of company secretary.



SANDEEP GOYAL (Lawyer)     19 August 2009

Dear Mr. Kaustubh, in my view you should not go for LL.M. if you want to practice in company law matter you should join a solicitor firm there you will get a good experience than LL.M. taht will be good for your future.

harshal chauhan (law student)     23 August 2009

I would also like to add some of my experience also , as i m preperin for c s n also

doing llb . before joining c s make sure tht u have lot of time to wait as nothin is certain about

the result in c s . and also do some r n d over sallary n working condition of cs , as now a days

companies are paying very less to cs as dey r only needed for complaince n al in which gnrly companies r nt much interested ....


Instead of wasting time, You can do both the courses simultanesoly,such as LLM by distant education and C.S  by regular classes,  in between the gap join a solicitor firm  as suggested by goyal

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