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trishi (manager)     01 January 2014

What are the false allegations a husband can put?/

Please tell what are the false allegations husband can put when the divorce case has following things

1. Complaint in women cell as the marriage has not completed even 3 months under the allegations of domestic violence in the name of cruelty and non-consummation of marriage and the doubt of mental unfitness

2. Also, no maintenance is desired by the wife in any form except the expenditure done for marriage by the girl's parents whose actual bills could be produced.


Just the divorce/annulment of marriage is needed.

 10 Replies

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     01 January 2014

expenditure done for marriage is NON-REFUNDABLE - i.e. it can not be legally claimed.

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     01 January 2014

Dear Querist

your query is not legal.

fighting back (exec)     01 January 2014

allegations can contain anything under the sun........and whatever you can think of

ANEESH TRIVEDI (ADVOCATE) (Advocate)     01 January 2014

Depends on the facts of cases what husband has given in his petition/complaint/statement, if he is clever enough then he knows the is binded by oath while saying anything in front of judges , so he put only those allegation which have solid proof under his hand.

no worry to geniune ladies if they are clean hand then they just concentrate on the facts of cases.

burden of proof lies on the person who is putting allegation on other, this is true for both husband and wife . so better appraoch to the court with clean hands if really want to win the cases.

nothing can be said imaginaryly as huamn mind can thing behind the reach of sun and moon so what alegation one can put on other this can be better know to the person who is / had spent time with the other or who know that person, even i can put any allegation which can not be imagined by you... so your query has answers from your own.......

Ranee....... (NA)     01 January 2014

Originally posted by : trishi

Please tell what are the false allegations husband can put when the divorce case has following things

1. Complaint in women cell as the marriage has not completed even 3 months under the allegations of domestic violence in the name of cruelty and non-consummation of marriage and the doubt of mental unfitness

2. Also, no maintenance is desired by the wife in any form except the expenditure done for marriage by the girl's parents whose actual bills could be produced.


Just the divorce/annulment of marriage is needed.

Your query is not clear.A husband can not file domestic violence case on wife.Have you filed DV case? You can not claim marriage expenditure.But yOU can claim Streedhan. Mere allegations do not matter, they are to be proved.If you are not guilty then be positive. If your match with hubby is not going well, then split with the help of Mutual Consent Divorce.

S.QAISAR ALI ADV. (Advocate)     02 January 2014

Dear client ,You did not completely mention the contents of your querry.

trishi (manager)     02 January 2014

I meant to ask that

1. My husband has not consummated the marriage, done mental cruelty by insulting, taunting me, parents , dowry material, relatives and i want divorce from him as he has said evrything within 15-20 days of my marriage

2. Also, i m not demanding anything from him except the dowry articles , jewellery etc given by my family

3. i work in some other state than his state, here i m staying with my parents, he left me here as my leaves ended and i had to join. he came here to meet me, again did the cruelty, then we called my in laws to ask for the answers what husband has said, but no conclusion could be drawn as they simply said to forget. 

4. we have informed that i m not going back. and want to separate. they have not yet responded back. just called my mom to wish for my birthday n new year, without talking anything else. I am worried what they are upto and why they have not yet responded. wht i should do, as i feel my time is getting wasted as this burden is bothering me a lot and creating a situation of depression for me in work place and personal health too.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     03 January 2014

1.   Propose them (especially HIM) option for Mutual Consent Divorce with no give and for free, citing in parties joint petition it was a very young un-consummated incompatible marriage of very young age couples. 

Health can buy wealth and mental peace otherwise charm of seeing (read as meeting) other spouse endlessly in various Court corridors is an inevitable Newton's Law in motion, where wealth (read as dowry items) cannot buy you health and that mental peace.
You can earn and give back dowry articles to your parents as giving dowry is equal crime by your parents for whatever reasons and social ethos educated working class metro females are agreeing their parents into to give in lieu of her marriage. 

1 Like

D Seikhar G (self)     03 January 2014

Welcome Back and Great reply by tojob

innocenthusband   28 July 2016

Nisha, Stop digging up articles and providing support on cases that are 2 years old.

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