Dear sir,
what defence will be take accused in sec. 498 i.p.c and how accused will be accutal.what is supremecourt latest judgement on this section 498
nirmal singh taragi (advocate) 03 September 2011
Dear sir,
what defence will be take accused in sec. 498 i.p.c and how accused will be accutal.what is supremecourt latest judgement on this section 498
kvss.prabhakar rao (Advocate ) 03 September 2011
Dear Nirmal Singh to defend in sec 498-a i.p.c basically it depends on investigation. Next you should observe in carefull about the complaint attached to FIR by defacto complainat and statement recorded under Sec 161 and chief examination deposed before Court . Next Technical points like jurisdictioin i,e place of offence you should observe secen of observation report rough sketch and witness related wintess and interest interested witness chance witness. contradictions and ommissions while recording evidence in court and the same question should ask the Investigation Officer. and defendance if any on facts and techincal points. Criminla cases like this have no reseblence with anohter case because it mostly depends on local customes and fcats of each case. However you must apply your mind while dealing the case,