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SuperHero (Manager)     10 October 2015

What happens

From Dr Rajendra Gupta,

More stringent laws are yet to come. Including mandatory share in self acquired property of husband after death like in Indian succession Act and else where in world.and during divorce too. Soon wife will have share in ancestral property too for alimony .

In most advnaced coutries these rules already exists. That is why DDA started in 1978 a scheme for joint allotment of flat/house/plot with spouse(wife). It was finally implemented in 2001 onwards.

This is to give security to women.

Sir - I agree with you, there are Problems for Women, There is Dowry demand and Physical abuse by Men who are highly educated. 

But also there are Problems for Mens too, there are Women who have physically and mentally abused Men and there families too.

As you talked about Advanced Countries....

Majority Cases - By the age of 18 the kids go out on they live by themselves, have s*xual / romantic affairs, love affairs starting from schools.

Parents neither have control nor can guide them, because they have done the same thing too. They have to live on their Own, they have to take  Loans to study and earn for themselves.

See the below URL. A teenager filing a Law suit on her parents.

In USA there is a saying which is the most technically advanced, Your Children and My Children are Playing with Our Children.

Also 2 in 1 person is a divorcee. So half the population is divorced. Yet the Country stands high..on what technically advancement??

There is no concept of dowry in western countries, but there is a concept of gift giving, most of the western marriages are love marriages, but still the divorce rate is high. There Languages are common, food habits are common, there living style is common, but they divorce. Why??

They go for dating, live in relationship, have fun, roam around places, then get married but still divorce Why??

In India there have been successful marriages intercaste, inter religion, different states..How come??Parents sacrifice everything for there children. 

I also agree there are Cases where Mother or Father physically abused there children in India and molested what not???

In the same Western countries, there are laws to protect Men too, Children too.

They specifically teach kids in Schools to call the emergency or cops if there is physical abuse.....

But the Parents sometimes have to discpline the Kids...Especially Indian Parents do...but for the small act they have to pay a price.

Can you show me which Parent hasn't discplined there Kid, when he/she is going out of way? especially in Indian context.

Why don't we bring those laws to India and implement them too. There are Gender Neutral laws. If you need examples I can throw a ton.

If what you have mentioned will become the law in your first few lines..

Marriage is not Sacred any more as per Indian tradition or culture values atleast some of them who follow.. It will become Scared...

Then Marriage is a just a business or a transaction or it may collapse as a whole...or people tend to prefer Live in relationship(No Tags attached)

To My Understanding - The Elders, Family Friends, Well Wishers and Lawmakers should have some sensible laws make the couples(Boys and Girls), understand, teach some values what a Marriage is, what is to be expected out of it. Set the right expectations and go forward. 

I just poured out my thoughts... It is open for your discretion or criticism and welcome your thoughts..

And others can post there views too....



 6 Replies

I walk alone (Asst Manager)     10 October 2015

Every law that has been made, must have a chance and scope of amendment. Most of the advanced coutries do that every now & then to make the pc of the earth they got a better place to live. But, we are in India..

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     10 October 2015

All that we have today, democracy, parliament, fundamental rights, humanitarianism, human values, freedom of speech, universal equality, gender equality, secularism and many many other things are imported from the West. The West did not have these things 500 years ago. They were worse than what we call our old values, which are still continuing. Enlightment dawned there in the 15th century. What was the reason? No one really knows. One thing is known. Most of Europe rebelled against the Roman Catholic church. The Portuguese were cruel people. They perpetrated atrocities in their Indian possessions. The atrocities continued till the Indian Army took over Goa in December, 1961. Salazaar was then ruling Portugal. In due cousre Salazaar died and Portugal became a democracy. After the second World War Europe realized the folly of wars and human cruelty. Several countries, notwithstanding their linguistic and cultural differences, came together into one economic community. They became humane, adopted humane laws and abolished death penalty. Portugal also joined EEC and adopted the same laws. When Indian Government wanted Abu Salem, the once cruel Portugal extradited him to the India of Mahatma Gandhi,  only on the condition that he will not be awarded death penalty. What a change, my countrymen?

There are so many evils in the Western society listed by Shri Superhero. It will be tiring for me to repeat them here. But with Western capital, Western science and technology those Western 'evils' also are getting imported into at least urban India. Whatever listed by Superhero including my children, your children and our children are here.  When my child wants to marry your child sometimes it is opposed by one or both the current parents. Is there a filter to get only sciece and technology and not the 'cultural evils'  from the West? Has Superhero such a filter which India can adopt.


Informative piece of work by the author.

SuperHero (Manager)     12 October 2015

Originally posted by : Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech]
All that we have today, democracy, parliament, fundamental rights, humanitarianism, human values, freedom of speech, universal equality, gender equality, secularism and many many other things are imported from the West. The West did not have these things 500 years ago. They were worse than what we call our old values, which are still continuing. Enlightment dawned there in the 15th century. What was the reason? No one really knows. One thing is known. Most of Europe rebelled against the Roman Catholic church. The Portuguese were cruel people. They perpetrated atrocities in their Indian possessions. The atrocities continued till the Indian Army took over Goa in December, 1961. Salazaar was then ruling Portugal. In due cousre Salazaar died and Portugal became a democracy. After the second World War Europe realized the folly of wars and human cruelty. Several countries, notwithstanding their linguistic and cultural differences, came together into one economic community. They became humane, adopted humane laws and abolished death penalty. Portugal also joined EEC and adopted the same laws. When Indian Government wanted Abu Salem, the once cruel Portugal extradited him to the India of Mahatma Gandhi,  only on the condition that he will not be awarded death penalty. What a change, my countrymen?

There are so many evils in the Western society listed by Shri Superhero. It will be tiring for me to repeat them here. But with Western capital, Western science and technology those Western 'evils' also are getting imported into at least urban India. Whatever listed by Superhero including my children, your children and our children are here.  When my child wants to marry your child sometimes it is opposed by one or both the current parents. Is there a filter to get only sciece and technology and not the 'cultural evils'  from the West? Has Superhero such a filter which India can adopt.


In My Opinion - it is very difficult but not impossible.

Say For Eg. there are few people who take Cloth or Reusable bags along with them when they go for shopping, so they don't want use more plastic, so they are responsible towards society by not using plastic, some people save water and so on because they think of rest of the society or world.

It is the Mind that plays the major role. 

We are very much influenced by Western Society, Outfits, Techie stuff forgetting our own culture, values, civility and so on....

The More we bring Laws, It will not be of much use..

There are so many Laws in Western countries for Woman Abuse, Physical Abuse, Sexual Assault and so on..Still there all kind of atrocities and abuses etc.,

If just by implementing laws if People are going to change then World would have changed long back.

It is the People who have to be aware/educated/inculcate good and moral values and what we are doing towards society. It is everyone's responsibility towards society, family and World.

It is our Thoughts which are very powerful. 

Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Charity begins at Home.



Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     13 October 2015

What I said was most of the things that come from the West are good. At least it is that way people think now. Some people think that all that comes from the West are bad due to inferiority complex. Some in the West think that all that happens there are superior. That is just arrogance. But in the West there are people who are aware and admit of the bad things that are there. They try to correct them. But they do not look at the east for guidance. They devise their own ways.

I shall enumerate two things in our culture. The first one is in our culture which is not there in Western culture. It is lack of swachchatha. When I first went abroad long long ago I landed in London at the dead of night. I checked into my hotel and straightaway went to sleep. Next morning after breakfast I stepped into the street. I was taken aback by the utter cleanliness. It was decades ago. Have our streets shown any improvement? Who is going to work towards that and how to go about? I do not know. I can only pray to god. Is this difficult or impossible?

In the “Rule of the Road”, A. G. Gardiner tells of a woman walking on the driveway in the middle of the road in Moscow. She said  she was free and she could walk anywhere as she liked. See our roads. Everyone there whether a driver or pedestrian is enjoying freedom. It is utter chaos. Can we change this? Or should we say that this is our culture and we should not change. I had occasions to take Westerners through our streets and roads. It was shame. There are places where we have to cross passages with doors which automatically close. Some doors will be opening outwards. When the one who is in the front opens the door and goes ahead, he doesn’t bother if when he leaves the door it hits the one behind in the face. Once I had an occasion to go to a bank in Canada. There when one is at the counter, the one next stands far behind. I did not notice that. I went and stood just behind the person at the counter. The one behind me shouted “in this country we follow queue”. I was just embarrassed. Probably the man behind had visited India.

If you can do anything westernise the people and bring cleanliness of surroundings, discipline and an attitude of care for the interests of others.

The second one gender equality. Will anyone anywhere dare to speak against that? In our “culture” we say male and female are like cotton and fire. They should be kept apart. But in the culture of gender equality can we segregate them? In olden says in schools boys and girls had separate blocks of seats in classes. They will not talk to each other. More importantly everywhere there were eyes watching them should they dare.

In those days there were men only in offices. There may be one or two girls here and there.

In the present day in schools and colleges, particularly in coaching classes, boys and girls mix and various degrees of relationships. In some case they just attracted to each other but nature takes over resulting in s*xual relationship with or without resulting in pregnancy. In some other cases they elope, go to a temple, tie mangalasutra and believe they are married. They live like that unless and until they get caught by the police at the instance of their parents. If they are above 18, nothing could be done. If they are below 18 any of the many things can happen.

Women have equal rights as men to work. They work together in offices or other work places. There is s*xual harassment. In some cases unmarried men and women get attracted to each other all that I stated with regard to boys and girls, except that they will not be below 18, can happen. Then there are cases where married men get attracted to unmarried women or unmarried men get in relationship with married men. These can proceed to various degrees.

In our old culture women will not venture out after dark. Now women enjoy equality and freedom. They are free to go out at any time. They can get raped.

Alcohol makes a man (s*xually) aggressive. But it makes a woman (s*xually) submissive. Will anyone dare say that women should not drink, when men enjoy? There will be taxi drivers or men posing as taxi drivers waiting late at night outside night clubs and bars. They look for lone drunk women coming out of the bars. They know that they are easy prey. They take them in their vehicles and have consensual s*x. When the woman wakes up from the stupor she finds that she has been raped and cries wolf.

Did someone go West, took training and taught the people here all those above and many more things. If you want to prevent all those things, shut up all women behind closed doors. Will you dare do that? It is only difficult or is it also impossible. All these happen in Western countries also and they do not exactly take pride in that. They take feasible measures to minimise them if not prevent them. Let us not blame the West.

I summarize here. The first one lack of cleanliness and lack of discipline are in our culture. Should we ape the West and change these things?

The second ones are not imported from the West direct. They are the consequences of import of Western values like gender equality. Shall we abolish gender equality?

SuperHero (Manager)     13 October 2015

Originally posted by : Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech]
What I said was most of the things that come from the West are good. At least it is that way people think now. Some people think that all that comes from the West are bad due to inferiority complex. Some in the West think that all that happens there are superior. That is just arrogance. But in the West there are people who are aware and admit of the bad things that are there. They try to correct them. But they do not look at the east for guidance. They devise their own ways.

I shall enumerate two things in our culture. The first one is in our culture which is not there in Western culture. It is lack of swachchatha. When I first went abroad long long ago I landed in London at the dead of night. I checked into my hotel and straightaway went to sleep. Next morning after breakfast I stepped into the street. I was taken aback by the utter cleanliness. It was decades ago. Have our streets shown any improvement? Who is going to work towards that and how to go about? I do not know. I can only pray to god. Is this difficult or impossible?

In the “Rule of the Road”, A. G. Gardiner tells of a woman walking on the driveway in the middle of the road in Moscow. She said  she was free and she could walk anywhere as she liked. See our roads. Everyone there whether a driver or pedestrian is enjoying freedom. It is utter chaos. Can we change this? Or should we say that this is our culture and we should not change. I had occasions to take Westerners through our streets and roads. It was shame. There are places where we have to cross passages with doors which automatically close. Some doors will be opening outwards. When the one who is in the front opens the door and goes ahead, he doesn’t bother if when he leaves the door it hits the one behind in the face. Once I had an occasion to go to a bank in Canada. There when one is at the counter, the one next stands far behind. I did not notice that. I went and stood just behind the person at the counter. The one behind me shouted “in this country we follow queue”. I was just embarrassed. Probably the man behind had visited India.

If you can do anything westernise the people and bring cleanliness of surroundings, discipline and an attitude of care for the interests of others.

The second one gender equality. Will anyone anywhere dare to speak against that? In our “culture” we say male and female are like cotton and fire. They should be kept apart. But in the culture of gender equality can we segregate them? In olden says in schools boys and girls had separate blocks of seats in classes. They will not talk to each other. More importantly everywhere there were eyes watching them should they dare.

In those days there were men only in offices. There may be one or two girls here and there.

In the present day in schools and colleges, particularly in coaching classes, boys and girls mix and various degrees of relationships. In some case they just attracted to each other but nature takes over resulting in s*xual relationship with or without resulting in pregnancy. In some other cases they elope, go to a temple, tie mangalasutra and believe they are married. They live like that unless and until they get caught by the police at the instance of their parents. If they are above 18, nothing could be done. If they are below 18 any of the many things can happen.

Women have equal rights as men to work. They work together in offices or other work places. There is s*xual harassment. In some cases unmarried men and women get attracted to each other all that I stated with regard to boys and girls, except that they will not be below 18, can happen. Then there are cases where married men get attracted to unmarried women or unmarried men get in relationship with married men. These can proceed to various degrees.

In our old culture women will not venture out after dark. Now women enjoy equality and freedom. They are free to go out at any time. They can get raped.

Alcohol makes a man (s*xually) aggressive. But it makes a woman (s*xually) submissive. Will anyone dare say that women should not drink, when men enjoy? There will be taxi drivers or men posing as taxi drivers waiting late at night outside night clubs and bars. They look for lone drunk women coming out of the bars. They know that they are easy prey. They take them in their vehicles and have consensual s*x. When the woman wakes up from the stupor she finds that she has been raped and cries wolf.

Did someone go West, took training and taught the people here all those above and many more things. If you want to prevent all those things, shut up all women behind closed doors. Will you dare do that? It is only difficult or is it also impossible. All these happen in Western countries also and they do not exactly take pride in that. They take feasible measures to minimise them if not prevent them. Let us not blame the West.

I summarize here. The first one lack of cleanliness and lack of discipline are in our culture. Should we ape the West and change these things?

The second ones are not imported from the West direct. They are the consequences of import of Western values like gender equality. Shall we abolish gender equality?

There are good things too in the West. I really appreciate them. 

Good points raised and concerns.....

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