Hi! I, want to know the what is "possession" in respect of "RAILWAY PROPERTY (UNLAWFULL POSSESSION) ACT"? If any one is the legal custodian of the property on behalf of INDIAN GOVERNMENT and have possession over it can he be charged in above Act ? Kindly give me detail definitation of word "possession"
I am thankful to you Mr. Shree that you have explained Sec 3 of the said Act, but my question is what is possession ?
If any one you can say the Railway Servant is the legal custodian of the property on behalf of INDIAN GOVERNMENT and have legal possession over it can he be charged in above Act ?
Relating to the above question the fact is -- ' A legal custodian of Railway Store who is DSK due to document mistake send less no. of item on the truck to another Railway Store. The truck was checked at the Store gate by RPF and the shortage was found on the truck according to the gate pass. In investigation the item was found lying in the store itself in the legal custody of DSK, but unfortunately he was detained in the Act. Whether the case stands or not ?
Give me the answer please.
Thanking you once again.