What is regular bail?
For how many days one has to stay in jail with family members in case of 498a and DV?
What is the cost/process of getting regular bail?
What happens if one don't take regular bail?
What is regular bail?
For how many days one has to stay in jail with family members in case of 498a and DV?
What is the cost/process of getting regular bail?
What happens if one don't take regular bail?
dr g balakrishnan (advocate/counsel supreme court) 01 June 2012
depends on the kind of criminal accusation on the accused and the gravity, as there is no fixed rule but depends on discretion of the relevant authority.
dr g balakrishnan (advocate/counsel supreme court) 01 June 2012
though it is kind of fundamental right but subject to restrictions like apprehensions of tampering witnesses may also come in way of granting bail by magestrate of a criminal court , so one cannot pin very high hopes on bail in complicated cases, see Arushi case, where talwars are not granted bail though moved heaven and earth. so vitality of the degree of crime accused prevails. one may have seen SC told Nupur Talwar to report to the lower court for getting arrested, is it not? So it is not wise to pin unrealistic hopes on bail laws, as each accusation of crime is just unique and there is no fixed law as such hence discretion of court works.
specially in marriage/divorse/ murders there are diverse rulings. so men and women should see they do not become victims of anger after all victims of anger may have t face the heat of courts please!
dr g balakrishnan (advocate/counsel supreme court) 01 June 2012
cost is not primary after all people pay any money to lawyers to get bail, false assurances is a treated as cheating.so most careful advocates do not just move bail applications and so they need to assess the gravity and probability of bail even if they put up very stiff fight in the court, so no assurance is to be given by advocates but they just try as there is mney as fees for them and yet it is not all that advisable for client o pressurize and pay a lot of moneys and then get angry with advocates under misconduct, as there are a lots of cases before bar councils all over india, so prevention is better than cure is the advice like a astitch in time saes nine!
Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA) 02 June 2012
Which state the 498a is in?
DV doesnot require bail.