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Sumit Phadnis (Lawyer)     07 January 2009

What is the procedure to become a Notary Public

Hello Lawyers,

I would like to know the procedure to become a Notary Public.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks & Regards,

Adv. Sumit Phadnis

 13 Replies


I think this is the repeated querry


Ravi Arora (Advocate)     07 January 2009

yes repeated one

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     08 January 2009

Dear Adv.Sumit Phadnis,

                                                For appointment as Notary, Please see Rule 3, 4, and rule 8 of the Notaries Rule 1956.

B.B.R.Goud. ( Faculty)     08 February 2009

Notaries Act 1952


The Central Government, for the whole or any part of India, and any such State Government, for the whole or any part of State, may appoint as notaries , any legal practitioners or other persons who possess such qualifications as may be prescribed 

PALNITKAR V.V. (Lawyer)     09 February 2009

You must have some political pool or you should be ready to "spend" besides the qualifications mentioned in the Act.

Arbind Kumar (Job)     19 February 2009

it might be possible, but i dont think it is always necessary.

Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Advocate )     29 March 2009


The  Notaries  are  under  the Stamps  and Registration Dept in AP .

You shold have necessary qualification ( 10  years practice )  to be appointed as Notary Public and as per the  demand of Loacal Area where you are praticing 

You may enquire  in your  Local District Registrar office - Stams and Registration Dpepartment 


hage nibo (lawyer)     31 March 2009

well, you can get the details in'Notaries Act,1952 and Notaries Rules,1956' which can be searched under head'Bare Acts' in google search engine.

Sachin Bhatia (Advocate)     13 May 2011

. Qualifications for appointment as a notary
No person shall be eligible for appointment as a notary unless on the date of the application for such appointment-
(a) a person had been practicing at least for ten years, or
(aa)a person belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes had been practicing at least for seven years, or
(ab) a woman who had been practicing at least for seven years, as a legal practitioner, or
(b) he had been a member of the Indian Legal Services under the
Central Government, or
(c) he had been at least for ten years,-
(i) a member of Judicial Service; or
(ii) held an office under the Central Government or a State Government requiring special knowledge of law after enrolment as an
advocate; or
(iii) held an office in the department of Judge Advocate General or in the legal department of the armed forces.)

Divya Prince (Lawyer)     05 July 2012

According to the Notary Rules, 1956 to become a Notary,

(c) he had been at least for ten years,-
(iii) held an office in the department of Judge Advocate General or in the legal department of the armed forces.)

 I want to know , being a defence personnal, if somebody has 7 yrs of experience in legal department, then would he be eligible????and

Is there any other reservation for an ex-serviceman to become a Notary Public?

Divya Prince (Lawyer)     05 July 2012

I want to know the eligibility criteria to become Notary for defence personnals who

(i) have an experience of 7 yrs in leagal deptt. in Defence services, and,

(ii) any other reservation criteria for ex-servicemen to become Notary?

Balaji Manoharan (Student)     29 July 2012

does any one here know , where to submit the application forms for notary public?  That's the only unsolved mistry !!!

Applications and rules are all over the internet and everything MISSES THE SEND TO ADDRESS!! very weird!!


thanks in advance ....

Swarna   19 July 2018

Qualifications for appointment as a notary. - No person shall be eligible for appointment as a notary unless on the date of the application for such appointment4[

(a)      a person had been practicing at least for ten years, or  
(aa)  a person belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes had been practicing at least for seven years, or 
(ab) a woman who had been practicing at least for seven years, as a legal practitioner, or] (b) he had been a member of the Indian Legal Services under the Central Government,          or (c) he had been at least for ten years,(i) a member of Judicial Service; or (ii) held an office under the Central Government  or  a  State Government  requiring  special  knowledge of law after enrolment as an advocate; or (iii) held  an  office  in  the  department of Judge Advocate General or in the legal department of the armed forces.

Application for appointment as a notary.- 5[(1) A  person  may  make  an application for appointment as a notary (hereinafter called "the applicant"), through the concerned

District Judge or the Presiding Officer of the Court or Tribunal where he practices as an Advocate, in the Form of  memorial addressed to such officer or authority (hereinafter referred to as the "competent   authority")   of   the  appropriate  Government  as  that Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, designate  in this behalf.]
[(2)  The  memorial shall  be drawn by a person referred to in clause (a) of rule 3 in  accordance  with  Form  I  and  by  a  person referred to in clauses (b) and (c) of the said rule in accordance with Form II.
“2A.  A person applying in Form II for appointment as a notary may submit the memorial direct to the Competent Authority of the Appropriate Government.”
(3) The memorial of a person r eferred to in clause (a) of rule 3  shall  be signed by the applicant and shall be countersigned by the following persons:(a)  a Magistrate, (b)  a Manager of a nationalised bank; (c) a merchant; and (d) two prominent inhabitants of the local  area  within  which the applicant intends to practise as a notary.]


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