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santhusen8 (MD)     18 May 2011


What is the punishment to people who are by birth forward caste and now due to prevalent reservation system uses schedule tribe and shcedule  caste to get into good professional colleges and also good govt jobs and getting pensions funds and other benifits of people who belong to schedule tribe or caste

punishment for people who belong to FORWARD CASTE USING ST/SC to get benifits

 5 Replies

Mr. Professional (SE)     18 May 2011



A general person claiming to be an SC/ST/OBC to gain government benefits may be guilty of forgery (for producing fake documents and cheating). 


Correct me if wrong.

pratik (self working)     30 August 2011

Agree with Mr. Professional It comes Under IPC, 1860.

Totally agree with Mr. Profesional

420,467,471 and 120B of the IPC.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     25 November 2011

No body gets a reservation benefits without caste certificate from revenue authorites, Normally such persons creat good amount of evidence in revenue office at tht time of issue of such certificate.  No action departmental/criminal can be taken agains them unless the certifiate is cancelled by the appropriate revenue authority.  The complainant may have top pursue the matter in the discrtict  (in any orner of the country) which issued the certificate.  Difficult but not impossible. Some persons get such benefit by forged certificate thye can be easily tackeled and the persons who procesed their reruiment without mandatary verfication of caste certificate can also be in soup.

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