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MASTHAN (Self employeed)     07 January 2011

What is the role of QUAZI in islamic divorce

Hi All,

1. What is the role of QUAZI in islamic divorce?

2. We approached QUAZI in the month of SEP-2010 and we told all our issues. He sent a notice to other party in SEP-2010.

3. The other party received this notice but they didnt appeared in front of him. Moreover they filed MC case u/s 125 Crpc as a counter blast for this.

4.  QUAZI sent second notice in the month of OCT-2010. Quazi neither received the ACK nor the notice came back.

5. QUAZI sent third notice in the month of NOV-2010, Quazi neither received the ACK nor the notice came back.

6. Now he is telling that, now I will send a show cause notice to them if they don't respond to it then I will give the permission for second marriage. Then we asked about the TALAQ, he said that for that you need to talk with your advocate.

I really got shocked. If he is not going to give TALAQ, why did he sent all the notice? and why we need his permission for second marriage,  automatically I will become eligible if I send TALAQ through advocate.

Can any one explain what I am following process is correct or wrong.

7. She is intentionally not receiving the notices that we sent, shall we give TALAQ papers to her in the court hall ? (because she is coming to court for MC case). 





 14 Replies

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     07 January 2011

 I am of the view that one of the greatest defect in Islamic system is the absolute power given to the husband to divorce his wife witrhout a cause and there is no need to go to  QUAZI for divorce. This issue had been discussed in the past in details by the members.

Abdul Basit (Block Officer)     08 January 2011

Can I,please,  have references or any links about the role of Kazis in India.

MASTHAN (Self employeed)     08 January 2011

Hello Asumi,

In my case can we send the TALAQNAMA before QUAZI gives permission for second marriage ? What if the other party doesn't receive the TALAQNAMA papers that we will sent via register post?




N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     08 January 2011

Dear Masthan, as far as I know, there are first talaq and second talaq and the third talaq and it is the third talaq the marriage is dissolved and the s*xual intercourse between the spouse is prohibited and Idda becomes compulsory and remarriage between the parties becomes impossible unless the wife legally marries another husband and that the other husband lawfully divorce her after the marriage is actually consumated, and this is one of the most unfortunate, absurd and unreasonable systems and barbaric and it should be abolished.

As far as the presence of kazi is concerned that I know of has been stated by Fitzgerald," the extraordinary of Islamic legal systems has been mentioned by Fitzgerald, who points out that in Turkey and Sultans, if a wife is divorced by her husband in a drunken state she can go before the Kazi with two witnesses and depose that her husband divorce her in drunken state and if the husband can not deny that position the divorce can be rovoked".

Please go through the article on the protest against talaq and the meaning of talaqnama.

A protest against "the misuse of talaq" near the Jama Masjid in New Delhi. A file picture.

* Four years ago, Zaheera Sheikh's husband walked into her room and told that he was divorcing her. She would have to take their one-year-old son and leave the house immediately to spend the three-month separation (iddat) period at her parents' home. The reason for divorcing her was that she had become unlucky for him. "By uttering three words (talaq, talaq, talaq) in less than a minute my whole world collapsed around me. I felt it was the end of my life."

* Four years ago, Afreen Mohammed decided she had had enough of her marriage. Her husband did not work and he was violent and abusive. She had a good job as teacher at a school and saw no reason to put up with the man. Afreen Mohammed applied to the family Maulana to help her get a divorce and recover her mehr. It took two years of aggressive persuasion, forgoing the mehr and giving a bribe to get the divorce approved.

WHY is it that it took Zaheera Sheikh's husband a minute to get a divorce, but it took Afreen Mohammed two years?

Triple talaq has been a contentious issue for decades and many Muslim women have been its victims. Although several attempts were made to curb it, nothing has worked. In early July, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) met in Lucknow and debated the issues of scrapping the triple talaq system, introducing a model Nikahnama (a marriage contract) and a new Talaqnama. The triple talaq issue would have been resolved at the meeting as the AIMPLB had approved the draft of a new Talaqnama when it met in Patna in October 2003. But the final nod, which was awaited from the 41-member working committee, the AIMPLB's main decision-making body, never came.

The AIMPLB appeared to have buckled under pressure from a section of Muslims who said that they would not accept the removal of triple talaq and that they would start a nation-wide agitation against the move. Following this controversy and owing to other reasons, the AIMPLB avoided making an announcement stating that a decision would be taken in December when it meets again. Meanwhile, AIMPLB members said that they would try to spread awareness among the community that triple talaq was a "social evil" and that men must restrain from using it.

The board's decision to put off the announcement disappointed activists and women's organisations in Mumbai. For almost a decade these groups have been pushing the AIMPLB to adopt a model Nikahnama, which they had drafted. This would eventually help outlaw a practice, which they believe is completely un-Islamic. At a public meeting held in Mumbai soon after the AIMPLB's announcement, women activists, lawyers and scholars said that triple talaq had ruined the lives of innumerable women and that it was the board's duty to denounce it. "Unless the board publicly says they are against this form of divorce, no amount of `spreading awareness' is going to stop the triple talaq," said Asghar Ali Engineer, a well-known Islamic scholar.

Comprising more than 400 members, the AIMPLB is a representative body of all Muslim sects in India. Every time the board meets, the procedure for divorce is debated and there is hope that it may forbid the triple talaq. Yet each time the outcome is disappointing.

"They chickened out owing to various compulsions, including some political ones. Instead of caving in to the Sunni Barelvi Ulama's threat to launch an agitation against the abolition of triple talaq, the AIMPLB should persuade the Barelvis to see the benefits of advocating the removal of this practice. So much injustice is done to women by allowing triple talaq to exist. This is considered a sinful practice in Islam and we need to educate people about it," Engineer told Frontline. He said that triple talaq is an interpretation of the holy text and divine law that exists only in India. Unfortunately, since the Hanafi law (one of the four schools of religious law in Sunni Islam), which is practised by almost 80 per cent of Muslims in the country, accepts triple talaq, it would be a mammoth task to change it. This is why the AIMPLB's influential role in the community is required for any change to take place, said Engineer.

Ten years ago, a group of seven academicians and scholars in Mumbai drafted a model Nikahnama and presented it to the AIMPLB. It would eventually become the model on which the AIMPLB would draft a new Nikahnama. Uzma Naheed, a member of the AIMPLB, an Islamic scholar and educationist working with Muslim women, is part of the group and has been lobbying with the board to adopt the model Nikahnama. "Our effort is to see women benefit from within the framework of the Shariat. This is very important for any change," Uzma Naheed told Frontline.

The model Nikahnama proposed by the group recommends an arbitration clause in which both parties nominate a person to see whether reconciliation is possible or an amicable separation can be achieved. A three-month timeframe is fixed for arbitration. The Nikahnama, under the Talaq-e-Tawfid clause, gives the woman the right to divorce if the husband marries again without her permission or against her will. This right was given to Muslim women about 100 years ago, said Uzma Naheed.

What is perhaps the most radical clause in the model Nikahnama is the provision that in case a husband violates the couple's Nikahnama and pronounces talaq three times in one sitting, he would have to pay his wife double the mehr. Hence the husband would be forced to think about the penalties involved before calling the marriage off. "We took this provision from the Maliki school of jurisprudence [a school of religious law in Sunni Islam], so it is within the framework of Islam," said Uzma Naheed.

Women's rights activists and Islamic scholars at a meeting to discuss talaq and the model Nikahnama, in Mumbai.

Unfortunately, this clause is causing trouble, said another board member. "It seems too aggressive and drastic. Besides it is believed that women are more emotional than men and they may make rash or hasty decisions." Asked Uzma Naheed: "So when a husband decides to divorce his wife because her cooking is not good, is that not hasty?" The Ulama and the board, she said, realise they have to spread the knowledge that triple talaq is un-Islamic, but they cannot seem to reach the people.

The Nikahnama of Uzma Naheed's group is one among many that have been submitted to the AIMPLB. Prominent Mumbai lawyer Nilofer Akhtar, who works closely with the board, proposed a model Nikahnama on similar lines. But under the Talaq-e-Tawfid clause, Nilofer Akhtar adds that a wife can "exercise her right of divorce on the happening of the following contingencies: [The husband] treats her with cruelty; fails to pay maintenance; deserts her for more than six months; and if he is impotent or is HIV+".

According to Yusuf Muchhala, senior advocate of the Bombay High Court and AIMPLB member, the board took all the proposed Nikahnamas into consideration before drafting the model Nikahnama. But, he points out that if the AIMPLB "wants to achieve social reforms it cannot do it only through legal methods. It has to work at the grassroots level".

"The problem of triple talaq is a non-issue if you use the law," said Flavia Agnes, a lawyer and founder of Majlis, a legal advocacy programme for women. "Muslim women have been protected by the law two decades before Hindu and Christian women," added Flavia Agnes. Legal recourse for Muslim divorce and triple talaq has been available under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939 and the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 (MWA). The former allowed Muslim women to seek a civil divorce much before their Hindu and Christian counterparts. The MWA came about after the controversial Shah Bano case, where the woman was granted lifelong maintenance by the Supreme Court. Community members approached the government and asked for legislation to rectify "the harm" caused by the judgment. The MWA removed Muslim women from the purview of the general law of maintenance and placed them under special legislation. However, it also gave Muslim women the right to appeal to the courts if she was not paid the stipulated maintenance.

"There is an impression that Muslim law is outside the ambit of the judicial process. This is not true," said Flavia Agnes. A Muslim woman has the right to stipulate conditions at the time of her marriage, which includes adequate mehr, restrictions on polygamy, and demand residence in the matrimonial or other home. She also has the right to challenge arbitrary divorce, said Flavia Agnes.

In fact, as recently as 2002 the Aurangabad Bench of the Bombay High Court ruled that the mere pronouncement of talaq by the husband, or his acts of having pronounced talaq, were not sufficient and did not meet the requirements of Islamic law for divorce. The court stated that the husband was required to satisfy the preconditions of arbitration and reasons for talaq. Asked Falvia Agnes: "Why is it that legal recourse has not filtered through the community and women continue to suffer arbitrary talaq? This is why the board's sanction is imperative. Only then will the heads of the community be forced to forbid triple talaq."

MASTHAN (Self employeed)     08 January 2011

Hi Assumi,

Thanks for detailed explanation. 

In my case, she is already staying in her parental home. She received the first notice what KAZI sent but she did not received second and third notices. 

1. Shall I consider the notice what KAZI sent as first and second TALAQNAMA?

2. What I need to do if she doesn't receive theTALAQNAMA?

3. She already filed 125 Crpc for mainatinance , shall we send the first TALAQNAMA now?

4. In the MC case, is it a good thing to inform the court that she filed 125 Crpc as a counter blast for the divorce process?





Abdul Basit (Block Officer)     09 January 2011

Hello Masthan ji,

Could you please clarify the words you prononced or wrote for the Talaq, or the words Kazi wrote in his Notices. I get the impression that Advocate Assumi is construing the three notices from Kazi as three talaqs. It is to be clarified first whether the woman is still in your relation or she is divorced from the point of view of Shariah law.Has the Kazi decreed that she stands divorced or you want to divorce her through the Qazi?is she claiming maintenance from you as your wife or your divorcee?  

MASTHAN (Self employeed)     09 January 2011

Hello Basit,


Basit: Could you please clarify the words you prononced or wrote for the Talaq, or the words Kazi wrote in his Notices.

>>Masthan: I am not sure what he sent in his notices.


Basit:  It is to be clarified first whether the woman is still in your relation or she is divorced from the point of view of Shariah law

>>>Masthan: I am not sure what is Shariah law. She is not in relation with my brother (she is my brother wife) , she is staying with her parents from  since JULY-2009 and my brother did not met this lady in the last one and half year (FYI: He got married in JUNE-2009, with in one month she absconded from our house and she filed 498A case).


Basit: .Has the Kazi decreed that she stands divorced or you want to divorce her through the Qazi

>>>Masthan: Yes, my brother wants to divorce her through KAZI.


Basit: s she claiming maintenance from you as your wife or your divorcee?  

>>>Masthan: After receiving the first notice of Kazi , she filed maint case u/s 125 Crpc and the same is pending in the court.




N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     09 January 2011

To clinch the issue i am of the view that what the Holy Quran ordained is, that the talaq must be for a reasonable cause preceded by sn attempt for reconciliation between the husband and the wife by two arbiters one from the husband side and the other from the wife side and if the reconcilation attempt fails talaq is effected and I dont see any special  role of QUAZI in talaq. We are all aware of this Islamic legal system and very much disturbed our judicial consciense by this monsttroity but this is the position. But there is a raider and that is i the husband desert his wife and the wife filed a petition for maintenance under section 125 Crpc and in the written statements of the husband it stated the he has given her talaq yesterday, or earlier or long ago for the first ime in his written statements and that the talaq given long time ago be effected from the time of filling the written statements? The answer must be a Big No. But once the wife knows that her husband has given her talaq and if the reconcilation fails she can go for maintenance as per 125 CrPc.

Abdul Basit (Block Officer)     10 January 2011


Hello Masthan,

Divorce can either be pronounced by the husband,which takes effect in the manner it is / was pronounced, depending on the types of divorce , or wife can approach the Kazi to seek divorce in certain conditions described in Islamic law. Husband does not need to seek  the permission of kazi for divorcing his wife. Kazi’s role is to decree and decide whether divorce given by husband has taken effect as per Islamic law. It also depends on school of Islamic Jusisprudence you belong to, i.e. Hanafi, Shafaee,Jafari etc.

As per Hanafi law,  Talaq is of  several types:-

1)     Revocable, in which case-

a.    the divorcee cannot leave the husband’s house till the time the period of retreat (Iddat ) ends, which for a regularly  mensurating woman is three consecutive mensurations and for a pregnant woman is upto delivery of the child.

b.    it is mandatory for the husband to provide for the divorcee in this period,and

c.    the husband can readopt her as wife, without  having any Nikah ceremony and without paying or fixing the “Mahr”.

2)    Irrevocable-

i—when period of retreat ends after the revocable divorce, it becomes irrevocable.

ii—some talaqs are irrevocable from the moment they are pronounced

                        In this type (irrevocable):

a.    again the divorcee has to restrict to the husband’s house till the period of retreat ends but both have to observe rules of purdah (segregation) from each other, while living in the same house.

b.    again it is mandatory for the husband to provide for the divorcee till the period of Iddat and for the newborn thereafter plus the nurturing charges.

c.    The divorcer cannot readopt her as in the case of  revocable talaq, but the two can remarry through a formal Nikah wherein fresh Mahr is to be fixed.

d.    Remarriage is permissible upto two irrevocable talaqs, whether given in one pronouncement or after one or two consecutive remarriages with the ex-husband. After three talaqs or the talaq after two consecutive marriages, remarriage with the divorcer is not permissible, except after “ halala”

This is as per the Hanafi school of Jurisprodence.

In India, marriage and divorce of muslims are governed by Muslim Personal Law, guaranteed by the Constitution of India, but due to the activities of the protagonists of uniform civil code, like BJP,and and rulings of some Hon’bje Judges of the Supreme/High Courts,who have taken it to themselves to interpret the Holy Quran, in disregard to the verdicts of the scholars of Islam, efforts are on to undermine the Shariah Law,though it is limited to Muslim Personal Law in this country.

Worthy advocate,Mr,Assumi seems to be influenced by the media propaganda regarding the issues of muslim marriages and divorce. For muslims,Divorce is a religious affair and is to be governed by the sources of Shariah Law, which cannot be abrogated or modified by any muslim scholar of highest merit and rank.The reference of Mr.Assumi to the verse of Quran on reconciliation is a misinterpretation of the Holy Quran.It applies only in a state of pre-divorce but when divorce has taken effect , the Holy Quran leaves it to the will of the Divorcer either to re-adopt her or remarry her,as the case be or to send her off paying her what is due to her as per Shariah.

As to the case of your brother,You need to divulge the facts and circumstances, as you did to Kazi sahib, so that an opinion can be correctly based. If as per Shariah law, the woman is still your brother’s wife, it is better to start mediation to bring the two together, because though Talaq is permissible in Islam,yet it is not liked by Allah and his Apostle (Peace be upon him).     



MASTHAN (Self employeed)     10 January 2011


Hello Assumi,


We belongs to Sunni muslims.  The arbitaration/ reconcilation was failed two times in two police stations (one at my hometown and second at her home town).


In the 125 Crpc it is admitted that  several arbitarations / reconcilations were held and they were failed . 


If  husband gives TALAQ now, will it be a valid TALAQ?

Michael Kushner (Manager)     10 January 2011

hello to all, In the option of dealing with a court mediated women initiated divorce;

1)the woman would need to consult a Qazi before making any trips to the court. The Qazi listens to the woman and offers advice for reconciliation.

2)If the women wishes to proceed onwards, the Qazi would process the paperwork and send to the husband which is "a registered letter, written on official letterhead, summoning him to come on a specified date and time to discuss the matter," (Vatuk, 9-10)

3) After meeting with the husband and receiving his end of the story, the Qazi can retry to offer advice of reconciliation or suggest that the man offer divorce in the form of Talaq.

4)If the husband refuses to grant the Talaq, which entitles her to the rest of the promised Mahr, then the Qazi will push for the husband to offer the wife the Khul she seeks. If he accepts the terms of Khul, the Qazi gathers the necessary paperwork with the required number of witnesses. "In making an agreement for Khul the spouses are free to make any bargain they wish. However, in India most agreements follow a standard pattern: the wife offers to forfeit her Mahr in exchange for her freedom."

MASTHAN (Self employeed)     10 January 2011

Hello Michael,


Here you are deviating the topic.

1. The boys asked the girl to come for KAZI but she refused to come, and she gone to PS and but the arbitaration was failed at PS. 

2. Once arbitaration was failed, she lodged dowry harassment complaint and sent all in-laws to jail and she aborted her pregnancy.

3. Now the boy approached KAZI for divorce as Kazi sent a notice to her after receiving the notice she filed 125 Crpc case and she is not received 2nd, 3rd notices.

4. On 3rd notice date KAZI said that he will send a show cause notice to them and if the other party doesnt come then I will i give permission for 2nd marriage 

Now my question is :

1. What is the right time to send TALAQNAMA to her? (before KAZI give permission for 2nd marriage or after that ?) 

2. What we need to do if she refuse to receive the TALAQNAMA that we sent through registered post?


R.SHAH (OFFICE STAFF)     13 July 2012





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