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R.Ganesan (Lect.)     07 October 2011

What one should do after controlling authority passes order?

Dear Sir,


Supposing Controlling Authority (Labour Officer) had passed an order requesting payment of gratuity, is it mandatory on the part of the company to honour the same?


If the order for payment of gratuity remains unfufilled even thereafter, what steps one can take?




Yours sincerely,



 9 Replies

Isaac Gabriel (Advocate)     08 October 2011

Report the matter to the controlling authority who will initiate action for the recovery under the land revenue act form the management. 

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I endorse the views of Mr. Isaac Gabriel.

Sailesh Kumar Shah (Advocate)     09 October 2011

i also agree.

Vijayarajan (Executive Director)     12 October 2011

You may approach the controlling authority for realisation of the amount along with the penal interest. The authority will take action under trhe recovery provisions of RR Act

K C S Kutty, Pune (Faculty )     12 October 2011

Employer could have filed an appeal against the order of the controlling authority. 

Vijayarajan (Executive Director)     12 October 2011

The employer has to deposit the amount for filing the appeal. It is not mentioned in the querry by Mr. Ganeshan.

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K C S Kutty, Pune (Faculty )     13 October 2011

I mentioned a possibility. The employer has to comply with the diretions of the controlling authority or follow procedure while filing appeal. 

Vijayarajan (Executive Director)     13 October 2011

Agreed, Kutty Sir.

1 Like

prayank khemka (associate)     30 March 2012

what is the form required to be used if i need to apply for a certified copy of an order. it is not a final order regarding payments. but just an order allowing restoration of the matter.

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