If Police Officer seized property without reporting to the magistrate and kept it in his residence, will it amount to theft? as the seizure memo or seizure list was never forwarded to the magistrate even after 20 days?
N.K.Assumi (Advocate) 20 February 2009
If Police Officer seized property without reporting to the magistrate and kept it in his residence, will it amount to theft? as the seizure memo or seizure list was never forwarded to the magistrate even after 20 days?
PALNITKAR V.V. (Lawyer) 20 February 2009
If the property is kept at home without accounting it anywhere, that will amount to criminal misappropriation or criminal breach of trust.
N.K.Assumi (Advocate) 20 February 2009
What should be done by the owner of the seized property in such case?
AEJAZ AHMED (Legal Consultant/Lawyer) 20 February 2009
N.K.Assumi (Advocate) 21 February 2009
Consider this : If under 102,156,165 etc of the CrPc, report to magistrate is mandatory and was not done what will it be was the question. I am grateful to Planitkarji and Aejazji for your brilliant informations.
Uma parameswaran (lawyer) 21 February 2009
I am endorsing both Sri. Palnitker and Aejazji's answer.