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Abhishek (Clerk)     25 July 2013

What would be use of non cognizable offence against wife

My wife has deserted me from last seven months after 1 yr & 9 months of marriage and staying with her parents. She also threatend me to commit suicide on mobile phone (which I recroded).  I am expecting a false 498a / DV in commig months.  I have also consulted one lawyer telephonically and he advised me to:-

(1) File non-cognizable offence against my wife in nearest police station for mental torture.

(2) Send a letter to police commisner & NCW stating the whole story so far

Therefore, I want know that what would be the benefit of taking above steps?? Will it help me in seeking speedy bail in case of 498a case??  If I file Non-cognizable offence will police inform my wife about it???  What is the procedure of filing NC??

 9 Replies


Dear would be victim,

Your lawyer has suggested a very good steps just follow it for precautions of any future blats from your wife.

Benefits of the above stated strategie:

1. Prior NCR OR FIR is very useful to get you a AB prior to any false cases.The basic logic behind this is as you have assumed the suicidal and false cases against your wife and you have informed the police prior to this happenings.Now you are at safe side.(in NCR no information will be given to you wife).

2. Once you have got the sealed and signed copy of complaints just stock it for your further help in future false cases from your wife.Meanwhile also give informatory petition to CJM of your district regarding the development of your wife side.

3. Just have pateince and keep watching the episode of your wife without muting the remote button.

4. Inform your neighbour and society for the ill and threatning of your wife and her family memebers for safe side.(bcz once she will lodge complaint the I/O will come to investigate the matter and he will ask to your neighbour too.

The above process will also help you getting AB prior to your arrest and deflaming her false cases.


For filling NCR is just writting a complaint application to the Station Incharge of your nearest PS and submit and take it the recieving copy of it dully signed and sealed.



A sufferer....

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Abhishek (Clerk)     25 July 2013


Thanks a lot for your time & efforts for such a detailed reply.  Its very enlightening.  

I have understood the importance & process of NCR.  But would you please elaborate how to send informatory petition to district CJM, would it be a letter detailing all the happenings???

What about sending a letter to NCW also??  I think she might have done it from her end..

Thanks again.

fighting back (exec)     26 July 2013


just wanted to know, my wife had given a leter to the police station alleging harrassment a year ago, i saw the copy of the  letter yesterday in DV case that was filed on me last month

there is no inward number or the date of receipt on the letter. she claims she gave it last year to the police station. but the police never called me and took my statement, also there is no file number or NC number on the letter, so what use is this letter in the Police stattion as they never took any action on me and even call me.

can this letter be used against me for dv case, though it is given a year ago



@ Fighting Back,

See thi NCR are just like information given prior to any happening.Here,the PS will not take any action against the respondents.They simple take the letter imprint the seal and signed and give it to the complainanat.Here,the willingness of complainant gives the pressure to PS to write a FIR,but they will not write FIR as usual,just they will tell we will first enquiry.

Now,these letters which one has got sealed and signed from PS has to be kept for the sake of any mishappenings again.Your wife has done safely,she has given a informatory to PS prior to your DV.Now here the court may ask the GDR of the complaint to the concerned PS where the complaint was given.On the facts and circumstances given by PS that letter will be taken or may be rejected due to lack of evidences and it was just mere a assumption.

In general case there are thousands of NCR within a year is collected within PS.It is very lethargic for them to go and enquire each complainants details.

Better your read your allegations in that letter and act accordingly,wether you have done anything wrong or not during those days.Else no enquiry,no evidence,lack of time,no further development cited by your wife then these can be your plus points.


1 Like


@ abhishek,

Ask your lawyer to file one informatory pettition in CJM court.He will charge around thousand rupees or about. This petition is valid for 6 months from the time of filed. If you want to continue it again you can make the same petition valid after six months, filing the extension petition to continue it. But better to file the recent development along with past in new informatory petition in CJM court.

If your wife has given the letter to NCW then you also give letters to all the concerned mentioned above even NCW and human rights too.See once fire from her side has erupted you can't go underwater to hide yourseilf due to heat and burning of your wife.Pateince Praises in this game my dear more than marital battle.

It's higly reccomended to take your safety instance prior to the delivery of legal ball or cases from the hands of your extremely dangerous bowler or your lovely wife.


A sufferer........

2 Like

Abhishek (Clerk)     26 July 2013

@sufferer ... you are a gem of a person... I am obliged.

(1) Now, I am a govt servant staying in Pune from last 6 years and the b*tch is staying with her parents at her native place which is 650 KM from here.  So where should I file the informatory petition??? In pune or at her native place (which happen to be my native place also)

(2) Will court inform the b*tch that I have filed the IP????  I dont want that to happen.

Eagerly waiting for your reply,



@ abhishek,

The beauty of this type of informatory is that no querry or information will be led to your wife or respondents it just for the convenience of pettitioner that he had informed prior to the real happening.

You have to file informatory in such place where she is active to lodge complaints and from where the summon may come to you.Better file from her place so that it will easier in getting AB once FIR been lodged against you.

NCR and other complaint letters you can file from your place of residence.


And for sharing any kind appreciaton you can click on thumps up button and no need to say gem of person as Iam also like you a common sufferer.


3 Like

fighting back (exec)     26 July 2013

@abhishek......i am from pune too, where are you in pune? even i did the same thing as advised by sufferer, i informed the womens police station is of advantage to you.....

Inform   10 October 2016

Dear Members,

If any of you has filed the information petition said above to the CJM,request you to guide about the relevant section of CrPc or Civil code under which it is to be filed.I am facing a similar problem esp.suicide threats from wife.My lawyer is not aware about such a petition.Please help.




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