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MANESH KATHEKAR   23 August 2019

whatsapp chat

whatsup chat screenshot proof is accept in court or not ???

 10 Replies

Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     23 August 2019

Cannot be relied as an evidance until accertained. Just can trigger investgation.

P. Venu (Advocate)     23 August 2019

What are the facts? What is the issue?

Marcella Cohen   08 September 2020

Originally posted by : MANESH KATHEKAR
whatsup chat screenshot proof is accept in court or not ???

No, if it's just a text, I think if it's screen recording videos call whatsapp it's possible



Mary Blood   24 November 2021

It's something new i learned today. Thanks Pal for sharing this info. 

1 Like

Vikas Raj   01 April 2022

Originally posted by : Lord kali

Originally posted by : Ananya GosainIn Arjun Panditrao Khotkar v. Kailash Kushanrao, the Supreme Court of India held that the condition mentioned under Section 65B(4) of the Evidence Act (which is regarding giving particulars of any device involved in the production of that electronic record and certificate to be produced before the court) is essential for admissibility of electronic records. The supreme court further clarifies that it is not necessary to produce a certificate before a court of law if the ‘original document’ is produced itself. And in all other cases, the electronic record can go through according to the content of Section 65B(1) together with a certificate defined under Section 65B(4) FMWA of the Indian Evidence Act. WhatsApp forwarded message cannot be treated as evidence, it is even not regarded as a ‘document’ under the evidence act.RegardsIts really nice.. Cheers..!

Damn I learned something great today! Thanks a ton for sharing this mate.

Ayaan Khan   01 April 2022

The case of Arjun Panditrao Khotkar in the case of Arjun Panditrao Khotkar v. Kailash Kushanrao, the Supreme Court of India held that the requirement set out in section 65B(4) of the Evidence Act (which is regarding providing details of any equipment involved in the making of the electronic record and a the certificate that must be presented to any court) is necessary for the legality in electronic files. The supreme court also clarifies that it's not mandatory to provide an official certificate in front of any court of law when the "original document" has been created by itself. In all other situations the electronic record is able to be examined as per the terms that is stipulated in Section 65B(1) in conjunction with a certificate as defined in Section 65B(4) FMWA of the Indian Evidence Act. FMWhatsApp's forwarded messages is not considered evidence and is not considered to be a "document in the context of the Evidence Act.

Apkcha   13 October 2022

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papai sen   21 December 2022

Do you know What'sApp has lounched a new features which is you can undo a deleted masseage with in 5 secend. well how many peoples used GB whatsapp or is it safe to use?

Ayaan Khan   31 July 2023

Originally posted by : papai sen

Do you know What'sApp has lounched a new features which is you can undo a deleted masseage with in 5 secend. well how many peoples used GB whatsapp or is it safe to use?

Sorry for the late reply. I think it is safe to use since these devs are working since many years.

Martha Mile   27 November 2023

Originally posted by : Lord kali

Originally posted by : Ananya GosainIn Arjun Panditrao Khotkar v. Kailash Kushanrao, the Supreme Court of India held that the condition mentioned under Section 65B(4) of the Evidence Act (which is regarding giving particulars of any device involved in the production of that electronic record and certificate to be produced before the court) is essential for admissibility of electronic records. The supreme court further clarifies that it is not necessary to produce a certificate before a court of law if the ‘original document’ is produced itself. And in all other cases, the electronic record can go through according to the content of Section 65B(1) together with a certificate defined under Section 65B(4) FMWA of the Indian Evidence Act. WhatsApp forwarded message cannot be treated as evidence, it is even not regarded as a ‘document’ under the evidence act.RegardsIts really nice.. Cheers..!

Yes you are absolutely right, and I am glad on that I learned something new today.

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