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Aftab Bharmal (Developer)     28 February 2011

When is a property called heredietary


     I would like to know if there are any laws. Penal codes. which answers the following question.


1) What kind of property can be called heredietary..

2) Do the current hire have full rights to give/gift the heredietary property to any one (wife, A son,  A daugther. ) etc.

3) If the property had 4 heirs. and 1 heirs relives the other 3 heirs. by giving them there share in terms of cash. and settling it out. is such a property called heredietary  ?

4) once the property is in A's name. (mother ) is there any law which restrict her to sell the property to B ( son of A) . ?




 3 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     28 February 2011

inherited properties from forefathers.  The concept is different from Hindu law to mohd., law.

Lucky (partner)     02 March 2011

In refence to your query no 3.Once the release deed is executed the heirs themselves releinquishes their right on the said property.

Aftab Bharmal (Developer)     02 March 2011

Hi thanks. for the reply.


  Well once the release deed is executed is that proerty called acquired or of acestory ??

   as i am the grandson of such a property holder who has releived the other heirs by giving them sum in returns or their rights.

 My uncles claim this property as ancestral property and are saying that my Grandfather does not have right to sell it or gift it.




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