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Rahul Choudhary   05 November 2015

Where can the case be filed change location

Hi All

I live in Australia. My wife gone back to India. She's from Jabalpur but her parents currently staying in Chandigarh. Ou marriage was conducted at Ambala.

My family lives in Delhi and I would like the petition to be filed in Delhi. Now my wife has moved to Mumbai can she file the petition in Mumbai? If yes how can it be transferred to Delhi?


 4 Replies

Vineet Sharma   05 November 2015

A transfer petition shall be filed before Supreme Court. Regards Advocate Vineet Sharma +91-9269535590


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Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.Agree with above.

SRISHAILA.DHARANI (Advocate&consultant)     05 November 2015

1.The filing procedure in family matters like divorce,  three place from where the case can be filed. One is from the place where the marriage had taken place , secondly wehere the husband lives and thirdly where the wife resides.

2. Yes she can file from Mumbai.

3. Trasfer petition has to be filed in the supremecourt, to get the case transfer from mumbai to delhi.But  the supreme court will not transfer your petition to delhi, bcz normally the court will favour the women, since she will face dificvulties in travelling to delhi from mumabi and her saftey is also involved. Its better you contest the matter there itself.


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