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Anil Agrawal (Retired)     04 September 2009

 India is a super power after the Pokharan II fiasco. Yes and No. Nobody knows.

A Truthseeker ( A retired Indian citizen)     15 September 2009

INDIA would be the single super power within next 50 years.

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     15 September 2009

 We can't contain terrorism, Moists, Naxalites, ULFA. The scrore of our security forces dying at their hands is mounting. We are surrounded by Burma, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan all being helped by China to dismember us. China claims Arunachal and making incursions almost daily in Ladakh, Chamoli, Sikkim and Mizoram and the whole system is seeped in corruption. Yet we want to become super power. If we want to bury our head in the sand, who can prevent us. Some call it cynicism. Others understand it better.

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A Truthseeker ( A retired Indian citizen)     15 September 2009

Mr. Agrawal,

 we should not forget that we wre one one of the most ancient civilisations and the couse of INDIAN history during last 100 years definitely shows that we are again on the rise. we should not be swayed by the material glitters of our contemporaneous civilisations and better have faith on our age-long high idealogies on which our democracy and Constitution rest.

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     16 September 2009

 I marvel at the faith that you have in the culture that has been handed down to us right since Indus Valley civilization. We still have faith in the system that is corrupt to the core. The cancer of corruption, inefficiency and incompetency has spread to every part of the body which will remain nothing if amputation starts. They say the taste of pudding is in eating. It appears that those who talk of RISE do not see bridges collapsing, trains meeting with accidents, incidents of road rage where socalled film personalities are killing pedestrians and still roam the street, where the wealth of a microscopic minority is soaring by crores of rupees every day while 50% of the population goes without two square meals, where 500 crores of rupees are spent on 750 MPs and they talk of austerity. A Constitution which has been amended 109 times in 58 years and still counting! Do not the corrupt get sustenance from the laws framed under the  same very Constitution? Why is Chief Justice of India lamenting that corrupt bureacracy should not be protected under the garm of  "permission to prosecute"? Why are they talking of amending Articles 310 and 311? On the one hand day in and day out we shower encomiums on the framers of the Constituion. On the other we go on amending it like changing a pair of socks? What respect is left for it now? 

Well, each to his own. If you hold the view that you have expressed, I respect it and commend you to uphold it.

I would request the fraternity to share their knowledge and experience (without disclosing their identity) of viisting police station, municiipal office, ration office, getting a water and electric connection, reservation office of railways, travellig by trains in II class, seeking admission for their wards, attending courts as litigants (NOT AS A LAWYER), getting a domicile certificate etc. etc. These are daily chores to which a normal Indian is subjected to during the course of his living. I am sure the experience would be an eye opener. 

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Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     16 September 2009

Personally, I would say,  India is already a Super-Power,  when in context to the Largest Population in the world and non-stop growing. 


Nobody can stop the population explosion (not even swine flue or AIDS).  The un-calculatable population is the Super-Power, that is being mentioned all the time by  "ignorants" and "feel-good" agents / propogators / dreamers of  "super power".


Sometimes, I too hallucinate that I'm the King of the world. Othertimes I hallucinate that I'm  "Super-man" and yet another time it is "Spider-man".


I need to stop hallucinating, but my collegues and friends and society and newspaper and television keeps on indirectly inducing me to keep on hallucinating.


Maybe one today, I'll reliease that hallucinating was bliss.

Quote :

The IMPORTANT Difference Between DREAM and AIM is that DREAM  Requires Sound SLEEP to be Seen; Whereas AIM Requires SLEEPLESS EFFORTS to be Achieved!

Yet another Quote:

If you win you need not explain ...
But if you lose you should not be there to explain

Keep Smiling .... Hemant



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Vishal Gupta (lawyer)     21 September 2009

india is rapidily developing

Mr_chamku (HR)     21 September 2009

Hi Vishal Gupta

  Do You Know What You Said ?????


 You Think India is not Super Power ?????????






SEE We are Super Power Aren't we ?

So We cant Be Super Power Because We already  A Super Power ;)


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don;t worry it will

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     19 December 2010

Super power? Yes. In corruption our graph is growing. Crooks are ruling the country.

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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     20 December 2010

Exactly, in corruption and lawlessness very soon we will be number one. In one year already we have gone so far. 

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