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arvind gupta   03 February 2019

Why any advocate not trying to improve our legal laps

Dear Respected All

my question is that - why any advocate not trying to improve our legal laps rather thay always trying to take advantage of these lapses for their own benefit.

Advocacy is only of take advantage of these lapses.

please reply me.....

 2 Replies

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     03 February 2019

Look there is a basis rule that ignorance of law is no excuse and so all people are supposed to know the law or rule of the country. One doesn't require a lawyer guiding all the time for each and every thing. Yes definitely if a person approach a lawyer for legal advice for a matter the responsibility of the lawyer to guide the person correctly. How many people in India consult lawyers before going ahead in any transaction or activity? Rather what one see that local agents without any legal knowledge are considered best advisors and when wrong decision taken the party goes running for lawyer's guidance. Number of marriages are breaking in Indian society, whose responsible for that? There are false criminal cases/charges levied on husband's side by wife's side, whose responsible for that? There are fake and forged documents prepared and used in various commercial transactions, whose responsible for that? There are fake and forged certificates and degrees prepared and used for various purposes,whose responsible for that? If anyone say it's the work of some so-called lawyer or advocate than I'm sorry such lawyer or advocate is not supposed to be in the profession, should be thrown out, but in most cases it is found the work of so-called agents operating in society and indulging in all sort of illegal and unlawful activities. Beware of them and go for proper lawyer or advocate before taking any important step in your life including marriage or any civil contract that may look very simple to begin but ultimately become biggest problem of one's life.

Atul Ramane   04 February 2019

law should be mandatory taught in school right from JKG and SKG, we should not have any saaying that ignorance of law is not an excuse . layers are behaving the looters now a days as if they are charging for every words they learnt fro law school and think this is their consituitional right and leave the result /verdict on court and not even trying to fight for the justice ,intensively delay the case and charge for each hearing . atleast we should have fix fees for the case civil/criminal and cotempt of court shouldbe re defined and much amendment should be done becuase now a days judges mesgistrates lawyers are easily managed and bickable (sarcastic way of saying that it is ===sold)

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