How come Indian men [save some political guys] are so very decent and why are Indian women apart from being thoroughly Horrible and hypocritical? I found some who wear G Strings and Tell Amercan Gals be Indian if you are on Indian Forum. Most of these gals move around on the net/dating sites with photos of film celebrities while no Indian man ever does that. These women after sending their husbands to jail go to America visit nudist colonies and act as nuns in India and advise Americans to wear Saris, Ghagras and all that village stuff. I would love to use certain words for them but then I must rember only they are entitled to Profanity in USA while American gals are expected by them to WEAR A GUNGAT in India and Indian sites and behave like Indians. They while eating beef in USA advice Americans that eating Beef ain't allowed in India. There's one political so called professional who got educated in English but advises very roughly that English is profane. I can write an essay but on net short cryptic sentences are read and not LONG POSTS.C'mon, Indian gals wanna pick up a fight on the road[NOT HERE].;)