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sagar jadhav (employee)     09 November 2013

Why lawyer notice and not police complaint

My wife is keen on sending lawyers notice thru speed post,while she could have done police complaint 

any idea why?

 7 Replies

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     10 November 2013

Lawyer notice is the base for the filing the case in the court, plus an advantage is that if on the basis of the lawyer notice you are trying to negotiate the dealings, it will be easy for her to solve the issues without much hassles, may be she is planning for a big event.

sagar jadhav (employee)     10 November 2013

Thanks suppose I dont recive notice? I am absconding and diwowned by familhy

Aazad Sufferer (Advocacy-Family and women oriented laws)     10 November 2013

I have the similar view mentioned by T kalaiselvan....


As per your second post,


1. It's not wiser to go absconding or disown from your property or assets. As any how you have to face the situation then why not today...!


2. Fight the case on merit and get rid of her if she files any false cases.


3. Better read the depth of her letter what she has mentioned and try to make a strategy to overcome from all problems.


4. Always be ahead of her in whatever way of thinking and acts permits.



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sagar jadhav (employee)     10 November 2013

My family anyways dis owned me due to their stubborness ,

I was looking for one sided dv,in case I face ,if judge been partial and get convinced by my wife I have to pay ailmony without option

more background


Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     10 November 2013

Disownment trick may not be much useful.  Anyone can unsderstand why it is done.

sagar jadhav (employee)     10 November 2013

its done by family not me

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     10 November 2013

If you have not received the lawyer's notice she may go ahead stating  that you have intentionally avoided the receipt of the notice or that your parents are shielding you and she may approach the court directly with the undelivered postal cover to initiate action as per law on the basis of her allegations, so receive it andsee what is that she wanted to convey through legal notice.

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