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Suresh S   18 December 2022

Why synopsis needed

In a WP (TR) X is a petitioner, seeking from DY. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER to EXECUTIVE ENGINEER on par with his juniors. The respondent, Principal Secretary, in the above WP (TR) has filed counter submitted that  X’S case would  be finalised as per final orders of the Hon'ble High Court in another WP..

The above 2010 petition was dismissed as infructuous. The above said Principal Secretary has retired. Now the present Principal Secretary while pending WP (TR) promoted X as EXECUTIVE ENGINEER with retrospective date on par with juniors but not granted consequential benefits which X prayed in WP (TR).

The present Justice is in single court. Asking about previous WP and impugned order OA of APAT Tribunal order and further ordered to submit Synopsis for final hearing. Why is the Hon’ble HC asking all these? However X has filed SYNOPSIS in an I.A along with other materials, Awaiting final hearing within a week.

 1 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     17 January 2023

wht is the query         

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