There was a lawyer of our time who holds the highest place in our regards, the warmest place in our hearts. He was just as he was merciful. He was true, but he was tender. He was faithful in the discharge of duties, as exacting as any ever laid upon man. In the midst of care distracting beyond precedent he sought “to encourage good humor among the people.” So the people now celebrate the centenary of Abraham Lincoln, the lawyer. Many were his words of wisdom and love, but none were more characteristic of him or more fitting for the lawyer than those of his last inaugural address. “With malice towards none, with charity for all, with firmness in the rights as God gives us to see the right.” We in the profession must also pursue our vocation in the spirit of Lincoln, seeking to promote righteousness, in charity, and not in wrath. The only divine requirement of our profession is to love mercy as well as to do justly.