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Danendra jain (manager)     22 April 2011

Why to support Anna Hazare

There will be few people who are ideally honest and who has never taken illegal benefit or illegal money from anyone. There is however a difference between Khira Chor and Hira Chor.

Madhu Koda and A Raja like persons are many in number in the system and it is they who promote corrupt culture by giving whimsical promotions to corrupt officers and transferring honest officers to critical places. It is they who indulged in malpractices at large scale when they were in power and inculcated evil practices in the system. As such they are dangers for the country and it is they who are promoters of corruption, master mind of corruption. Such persons have to be punished by hook or by crook.


Heads of various government Department, heads of various public sector banks, heads of Public sector undertakings who are looting the country by misusing government fund or by lending to unscrupulous businessmen or by allowing tax evasion for the sake of bribe and illegal money and who are still enjoying all facilities, all powers and all public support by dint of their clever mind, their attractive delivery of lovely speech have to be exposed and have to be booked to task.


 I do not see significant wrong in Shanti Bhusan or Prashant Bhusan. These two persons have rather proved their ability in courts by fighting tooth and nail against the system and against the powerful ministers without fear of repercussion. Otherwise there is still a shortage of good, active, effective, fearless, serious and learned advocates who can teach lessons to corrupt officers and the government. On the contrary record of Prashant Bhusan and his father in judiciary is praiseworthy and better than others in many respects.


We have to support Shanti Bhusan who has got enough expertise and adequate experience in law .We need a figure among cipher; we have to select person who can frame effective laws and who can forcefully execute the same.


Government in particular and politicians along with government servants will always try to puncture the movement launched by Anna Hazare and his team. Chor Chor Mosere Bhai is an old proverb to be quoted here.


On the Contrary Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh are now trying to send a message to all Indians that they are serious on legislating Newly proposed Lok Pal Bill and they are equally serious to remove corrupt people from the administration. Congress people are trying to take the credit of the proposed law and discredit the team of persons who vehemently and forcefully launched the movement against the corruption and against the Manmohan Singh Government which caused loss to the country in the tune of lacs of crores of rupees revealed in various scams exposed during last few years.


In any case every righting thinking persons in India should try their level best to ensure making of effective law and perfect execution of such effective laws against corrupt people who have tarnished the image of the country in the world community.


Why to support Anna:

I would like to draw the attention of those politicians, officers, media men, writers and social workers who are advocating against the movement launched against corruption by certain group of people led by Anna Hazare.


 In America human beings created by same God live but there are no unfair dealings as it is in India. What is wrong with our Indian system that India is treated as one of most corrupt country in the world?


Is it not true that Indians have lost their self pride, conscience and their power to crush evil doers?


Why no files move in Indian office without bribing officers and babus, it has to be thought seriously.


Why cases filed in courts in USA are decided in 3 months to one year whereas cases filed in Indian courts are not decided even in two or three decades?. Why for every petty work Indian citizens have to pay bribe but Americans need not pay in USA for any work.


It is because politicians in general in India are corrupt and they want to become billionaire in a year or two. It is then government officers who have accumulated wealth worth many more times of what they have earned during their lifetime. It is open secret that most of the politicians and officers and even government babus are rich and consume 95% of national income and residual Indians constituting 95% of population consume hardly 5% of total national income.


When top ranked officers are corrupt this dirty culture flows down the line. When Manmohan Singh is incapable, inefficient and non serious towards his job and towards his responsibilities his cabinet colleagues will naturally be corrupt and insensitive to problems of common men. When ministers are corrupt other MP and MLAs will also like to earn illegal wealth and in the same way other officers and babus.


 We as Indians consumers are bound to pay Suwidha Sulka (bribe, commission, kickback, service charges, illegal money etc) if we have to survive. There is none to listen to common men’s voice and there is none to act on written complains of victim of the system..


Why?    Because Chor Chor Mosere Bahi.


Birds of same feathers are sitting in all offices and in almost all government. Here comes the requirement of agitation and violent agitation because the mass protest government of India does not have the time to look towards the pain of common men. All officers and politicians are busy in making money, in printing money and in accumulating more and more landed property and more and more gold and diamond jewelry.


This is why need of the hour is to agitate jointly and compel the government to make the laws effective and to make the police and judiciary strongest in the world in such a way that every evil doers is afraid of committing any crime or none of Indian can dream of breaking the laws of the land.


We need to enforce Right to Recall all public figures who are corrupt and inactive. This exercise will start only when guardian support s the movement and understand the sentiments of common men lying behind the agitation launched under the leadership of Mr. Anna Hazare , Kiran Bedi and many more.


Ideally speaking Khira Chor or Hira Chor both is same. But in practice when King is corrupt and allows scam worth lacs of crores of rupees, the corruption of milkmen or other common men quoted by antagonist of Anna’s movement and pleaded by most of the politicians and officers in India become insignificant.


When Father is drunkard there is all possibility that his children will also like wine, when father is a liar , it is very likely that his children are also liar and on the contrary when father enforces discipline the child become a great man....I am talking of general tendency and not about certain exceptions....    


As such all right thinking persons have to come together and try their best to ensure punishment first to top ranked officers and ministers. Rest will follow automatically.

 At this stage if people of India do not support movement launched by Anna Hazare , corruption will never end . For last 40 years central government is avoiding passing Lokpal Bill.As such need of the hour is not to be misguided by various logices or excuses given by corrupt politicians.

 8 Replies

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     22 April 2011

I dont know who is Anna Hazare, but who he is?, is not the issue but wht he is doing now is very important and all right thinking citizen of India should support this issues and not that Anna Hazare, as the person is immaterial but the issue that is before the people of India is of grave concern now and for the generations to come. It's Now or Never.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     22 April 2011

i support you.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     22 April 2011

i support you and anna hazare.

mr assumi rightly said - now or never.

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     22 April 2011

I do support.

pradip shah (partner)     29 April 2011

I will name Uncurreptable Person, `ANNAJI`.

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     29 April 2011

Some body has to come forword to bell the cat, that what anna and his friends are doing.


We all  support.


After I saw the effectiveness of RTI Act, I was determined to support the Lokpal bill. I have fasted, joined rallies and made many like-minded friends who support the cause. In India 50% of kids are malnourished. Politicians are feeding on that money. How can we do nothing?

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