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Shivaji Rao (worker)     04 November 2011

Wife cheated and ran away from us and staying in india

hi, I got married 7 yrs back. I and my wife were staying in US for the past 5 yrs. Everything was going good 2 yrs back she had an affair which I got to know about an year back. Now she has moved to India ditching me.She has taken all my savings. Not sure how to get my savings back and how to get her to US so that I can proceed legally against her. Father in law threatening me with all lies. My wife wants a divorce in India now and she does not want to return my money. 

Any help is appreciated.

 9 Replies


Catch her on facebook especially taking into consideration the fact that women are marrying married men lurking on Facebook.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     05 November 2011

The chance of recovering money is very minimal.


Fight if cases are filed on merits. If she gives MCD without further alimony, go for it.





Shonee Kapoor


Book your in laws.Wives don't run away unless in laws are involved.

Gopal Krishan (Associate)     05 November 2011

The first thing is what you want? If you want to divorce her you can do it. If you want some immigration benefits, you may get those as well. If you want the money back then you can get it but it is a long shot. It depends on the amount of money as well. if it was more then $5000, then you have the better chances. 

If you want more information you can PM me at


Gopal Krishan

K.P.Satish Kumar (Advocate)     05 November 2011

Try to get divorce my Mutual consent. Getting money form her is very hard. Try to get divorce without giving money. Get the help from the expert.

K.P.Satish Kumar M.L.

Advocate:- 9962999008



Yes get an expert Indian lawyer. Not expensive expensive at all as compared to USA except for referral attorneys.


give full details... you are bound toget full support from this forum as well as ways and means to fight it out with a b*tch... think more on extracts of your savings how she took it out through which means are their any income tax records in US... dont give divorce... once given you loose everything... you have to prove that she is a b*tch... dont succumb... get up and start thinking everytime... somewhere it opens up... 7? why when what how where which who... dont let her walk over...

vicky (Executive )     07 November 2011

Once i read a judgement of justic Dhingra in case there was the mutual settlement between the wife and husband at the state of bail application at HC. there some delay from husband side for filing the first motion and wife approached to court for cancellation the bail and Justice Dhingra dismissed the same on the ground that husband can not force to do according to will of wife. pls provide me case no and date. pls also provide any judgemnt of Sc  if any in this connection


Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     08 November 2011

Search the same in judgement section of





Shonee Kapoor

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