Hi Experts,
Its been 3 months by now where my wife has deserted me again. when she did it for first time after a month of marriage we under gone Marriage Councelling and doc said her to change her attitude and behavior and advised her to get back. but after getting back she had went to my friends home and fought with her for talking to me. this again made our relation unstable. again elders had sat to discuss and made us join again. she was good initially but her acts dint hold for 3 months where she used to make silly issues and used to make circumstances which makes me angry. but when i held my patience she started in bigger way by insulting my mom and controling me by not speaking to my sister etc. and when she made discrimination while cooking i had to open my mouth to talk and she picked quarrel for it and slapped me. i controled but she spoke bad on my mom which trigered my anger to slap her back. later her act was as usual callin her parents and shouting on me. i kept quite and my dad came between and made us stop the quarrel. we slept in anger. morning i went to office felt bad of fight and called her said sorry and said to leave what ever happened. she said ok and by the time i came home she had flew to her home. with her parents and her all major items.
i later went to her home there was no reply. we called them after 2 weeks there was no reply. and after two months they came and took rest of her things. i had recorded their conversation and took in writhing of what they are taking and said to get elders to talk.
now its already 3 months done there is no reply from them. and i hurd them telling stories on me and my family outside, as no one belived it as of now due to my parents reputation in society.
she is complaining on me and my mom and has put condition to make seprate home ant take her.
any how am not going to make seprate home.
now i have 3 options
1. wait for elders to talk.
2. go for counceler again.
3. fight legally directly.
can you please guide me which channel is safe for me.