Shashi Dhara 19 January 2019
Martin S. 20 January 2019
Give that proof to court, or ask for appointment of court commissioner who will investigate the matter.
Aarnav 01 February 2019
If she is earning form that 1 Carore property, then the court will consider it as her income during maintenance case.
But is she is not earning anything, then you can always provide the proof that you bought that 1 carore property in your wifes name , and the court should direct her to sell the property, to get money of 1 carore, so she can generate income out of that 1 Carore.
QUESTION: In todays kaal-yugh, who buys property and jewelry of 1.5 carore and just puts it in his wifes name?
If your alligations are incorrect, then please dont mention it in the court/WS, as then the court will think that you are an able bodied RICH guy, and you can pay a hefty maintenance to your wife !!!