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Fighter (498A a Legal Terroris (Fight Against Legal Terrorism )     15 January 2012

Wife filed rcr after husband files divorce(desertion,crualit


Dear Sonee ji  & Forum Members,

Kind help requested .....

my friend's wife filed 498a,  DPA 4,6 IPC  324, 2 years before and he is not aware of this till recently and now he filed divorce on ground of curality and desertion and she filed RCR though she dont want to join my friend, which she repeatedly mentioned in front of both family elders meeting. both are not staying together more that 2.5y and they have 2yrs kid now she and her lawyer are playing legal games just to prolonge by filing RCR. 

kindly suggest


 5 Replies


Dont worry My Friend , you have Reason to SMILE :-)

This is one of the Mistake Greedy Gang Does...
If Wife Filed RCR after 498a, DV and other cases, that means Tell your friend to withdraw /Hold proceeding of Divorce, Let her RCR proceed and Put "Conditional RCR", that means I'm Ready to Take her back Once she Withdraw All the False Allegations, By this I'm Sure She will not Do that. and RCR will be Decreed in your Favour. So dont worry. Let your Divorce Stay on Hold and First Seek her RCR, make it Conditional RCR.
By Filing RCR will also benefit you in  498a / DV, JUST THINK How can a women would be interested in Living with husband who adopted Cruelty ? our Judges are not so Fool. So tell her if She Withdraw All her Allegations then I'll Take her Back.

let's See what they do next then.........

Although This is my Suggestion, Rest you can still Discuss with LCI Members.

1 Like

Sanjeev (Lawyer)     15 January 2012

The intentions behind filing RCR seems to be to delay divorce proceedings. Dont run after getting divorce when you file it first the other side understands that you are in need so this is a sort of counter to your divorce. The more you are worried of getting divorce the more you will need to shell out so play it cool.

let the things happen at its own pace.

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     15 January 2012

Dear Tech

if your friend is ready to accept her again then withdraw the divorce case & inform to court that you are ready to live with her and talk to her for withdraw the cases against your friend. Court proceeding is very horrible & expensive.

feel free to call

V R SHROFF (Sr. ADVOCATE Bombay High Court Mob: 9892432152)     16 January 2012


Zameer's idea are Technical, 

Worth Follow it. 

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     19 January 2012

The cases would need to be foght on respective merits only.


However there are ways to avoid unnecessary delays.


Shonee Kapoor

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