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aks sharma (software engineer)     31 May 2011

wife left home now threatning

Respected sir,

I am 30 yr old software professional from Hyderabad,I need ur advice on below case of mine...

i will keep story short..married on 2009 through Hindu ritual,it was an arrange married and I had no complain WTH my parents on there choice,they treated my wife more than daughter.

my wife left my hyd house 5 month back and now I dont know where she is staying,1st 2-4 month she keep staying in Bihar and Delhi and now there parents does not say anything about it,when I call they talk abusive n threat me that they have one phone rec when one day I was telling her brother to take ur sis and teach how she shld behave WTH me ..tat day she abused me n my parents just becoz I was giving some good tips on family values,I loved my wife like anything but now her parents n she washed out all my love for her.

m sure they will put false case of dc n 498a as her parents were threatening me when I was asking her parents to send her back.

i suspect extra marrital affaire and doubt her relationship WTH her elder sis husband ,she had flew to same person house and stayed around 2 month.

sometime back when I insist her to come back she said she has 2 condition..1.i will Perdue MBA cource from Delhi 2.i will not keep relationship WTH ur family

I m hurt n feel like to die parents are old n heart patients n live in small town far away from here.please suggest me what should I do for me n my fam precaution against there abrupt false allegations .


 18 Replies

Krishna Kumar (Business)     31 May 2011


Hi Sharma,

When I read your post, my heartbeat was increased because I came thro the same suituation you are now. Yes, almost same suitation happend to me.

Dont worry.. Dont ever think of anything now. Leave everything to the GOD and plan for the best and accept whatever you are going to get it. I would suggest you to see lots of films that will divert your mind for somedays and be with your friend and relatives always. Concentrate of your carrer first.

No one can stop your wife filing 498a and any other cases. You or some one can make her calm down.

Dont be too much worry about the recorded voice, because you are not asked her to leave your home. You ask her brother to take her to advice how to behave. But It come under DV act because husband has no right to criticise about wife character.

Go to your wife house with some relatives and ask their parents where is she, you want to live with her etc., If they abuse you, dont worry. Record all the voice and come back. Dont advice them, they never understand or never listern your voice because they have all the power in their hand to destroy you and yoru family as per law. 

Be very calm and gether all evidence how much possible and fight if she file any case. For any problem LCI members will help us, so dont worry.


you can also contact the local SIFF chapter!

Krishna Kumar (Business)     01 June 2011

Yes, contact SIFF as soon as possible. There will be a meeting on every sunday evening.

Find out where is the meeting happening your city from the following page.

Self service (None)     01 June 2011

Do not just sit to get sacrificed. You do have some rights and do not just wait and watch that is most coslty tactic

#1.Start collecting evidences of threat and her demands.

#2.Inform senior police officer of your town about about threats from wife and inlaws and keep a copy of complaint. This will help you in long run.

#3. Consult local lawwyer if you don't know where she is file missing compliant.

#4.Consult lawyer and take decision - RCR or divorce - In life bad things happen decide what you want to do do not waste time - you need to spend lot in courts.



To start with, Keep calling her & her parents and let them speak whatever they want, and keep recording on !

aks sharma (software engineer)     01 June 2011

Hi All,

Thanks a lot for your kind suggestion/advice! till yesterday i was very dull and lifeless but your prompt response gave me immence source of energy..i had still some ray of hope left that my wife would come one sided love for my wife made me dumb,but thanks to all for your encouragment.

@Krishna- Thanks for advicing me to indulge in watching movie and meeting with relatives,i know this will help me to atleast concentrate of my job.

This week I am planning to get in touch with a lawyer found through net,i will post the update to seek your valuable advice in regular intervals.


revolutionary (NA)     01 June 2011

I want to understand if all the disagreements are recorded, then would the court allow it as evidence. I was told that it has to be in original format. I have this instrument to record the fights but it has limited memory, so i have to ransfer the files regularly to the laptop. So would the files on laptop may not be accepted as original?

Kindly advise



Recording has to be retained in original device, eg. memory card of mobile. It can be transfered to computer for backup purpose, but original card has to be retained.

And how much does the new card/ instruments costs..far better than the amount asked by Indian wives as alimony ...isnt it ?


Read far lesser instead of far better

Originally posted by :Never Give up


Recording has to be retained in original device, eg. memory card of mobile. It can be transfered to computer for backup purpose, but original card has to be retained.

And how much does the new card/ instruments costs..far better than the amount asked by Indian wives as alimony ...isnt it ?

revolutionary (NA)     01 June 2011

Well I use a pen like instrument which is actually very costly and doesnt not have a data card. So the files have to be transferred to laptop. It seems all the effort went waste as you suggest the laptop files may not constitute as evidence




Go through following posts, you may find it useful,

Nikunj Trivedi (MANAGER)     01 June 2011

Immediately go and file restitution suit in local family court. It will help you in getting your wife to your home first as it will shown your attachment towards your wife. But your wife will surely not come to you. In this situation, go and file divorce suit. She will, in retaliation, file 498A against you.  And you will have upper hand while .....

Krishna Kumar (Business)     01 June 2011


Filing Divorce may bring 498a, DV and sure CRPC 125. So till you are getting enough evidence pls wait and gether all the evidence. Even filing RCR also will give the same result if she dont wanted to join. So

Currently collect the evidences. Once you collect all evidence you can file Divorce

1. Threat like she will file 498a, DV etc.,

2. She left your home hereself and you or your parents not thrown her out.

3. Evidence on her education qualification

4. Evidence on her past/present working

5. Evidence on she is not interested and you tried lot more time but she refused to join

6. Inform to police about the threads and ask them to contact you before taking any case if any case filed by your wife.

If she is having affair with someone, try to findout where is she, with whom she is roaming etc., If you find she is doing adultery and get evidence you can play very well.

T.K.VENKATARAMAN (Advocate)     02 June 2011

Since you are in Hyderabad pl contact Mr.Sivagopal Advocate on his 9440470639 for advice& guidance.  He is my friend and he will help you.

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