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Wife's cruelty - how to prove


Please let me know what are the various things to be considered/needs to be done to prove wife's cruelty.

How effectively a wife's violence can be proved in a normal household environment, what are the steps to be taken and what are all the evidences that can be collected to prove wife's cruelty.


 11 Replies

Ramesh (student)     25 August 2013

Dear Sir,

It is a very wide range and cannot be described in a strait jacket formula.

Please narrate  all the incidents so as to shortlisted which comes under cruelty

fighting back (exec)     25 August 2013

vague query...........normal wear and tear in life cannot be termed as you have to be very specific in your query to give you a solution


Dear Sir,

I am in financial crisis now a days and she knows that.

(1). Even, I provide everything that is needed in daily household.  To quote an example, she pours the sweet oil in the sink, and then she asks that it is finished and she argues to bring it.  When I checked it the previous night, the quantity of sweet oil was enough for 2 days, but to make a stir, she unknowingly does this.  This happens with all other commodities as well.

This is just an example.  That is why I started keeping bill and bringing everything from Reliance store. How to prove this.

(2).  I do not know what she tells about me to the neighbor families, especially ladies and when I talk to my wife, they start giving statements indirectly from their home.  I have changed many places vacating everywhere, because of this behavior.  Some people avoid my wife as she tells against me and some people take advantage and try to ask me about my family issues.

(3).  She does not bother about my kid and leaves him always, and because of this my kid always goes to neighborhood....they complaint about my kid as well.  My wife intentionally does this to bring pressure on me.

(4).  When I tell my wife that not to interfere in neighbor's family as it will be disturbing for them if you stay long enough in their house, she takes this as advantage and  tells this info to the neighbor's.

(5).  When I bring non-veg/sweets, etc., in my house, she serves me a little and she takes a very big quantity to neighbor's house and when I ask for more curry/sweets, she states that it is over.  Even neighbor's warned in this regard not to do like this and as this caused them to a lot of inconvinience.

(6).  She gives me tap water instead of drinking water, which made me sick several times.  I caught her like that many times, but she tries to cover it by doing it the other way.

(7).  There are many incidents to what to do in this case.

(8).  Do all the above needs to be proved.

(9).  I decided to give divorce at any cost, but I am preparing myself financially well and want to be prepared by all means if I am charged 498a case by my wife as well.


fighting back (exec)     27 August 2013

Dear Sir,

I am in financial crisis now a days and she knows that.

(1). Even, I provide everything that is needed in daily household.  To quote an example, she pours the sweet oil in the sink, and then she asks that it is finished and she argues to bring it.  

does she have any mental problem? have you ever talked to her,try sweetalking to her, take her to a physcologist, if at all she agrees, then keep  all the bills of the medicals and doctors for your future cases.  if no, then the incidents you mentioned, keep a secret pen camera with inserted memory card, record the incidents on the memory card (dont open your mouth during recordings uncessarily, talk innocently and to the point, and record the incidents that are happening, keep the memory card safe. this is for your future safety, when 498 and DV cases fall on you. have u seen her pouring oil? just question her. dont be afraid


When I checked it the previous night, the quantity of sweet oil was enough for 2 days, but to make a stir, she unknowingly does this.  This happens with all other commodities as well.

keep bills for all commodities you buy, pay trhough debit card, keep all the medical bill of hers with you,whenever you treat her for even coughs

This is just an example.  That is why I started keeping bill and bringing everything from Reliance store. How to prove this.

jsut keep the bills dont worry

(2).  I do not know what she tells about me to the neighbor families, especially ladies and when I talk to my wife, they start giving statements indirectly from their home.  I have changed many places vacating everywhere, because of this behavior.  Some people avoid my wife as she tells against me and some people take advantage and try to ask me about my family issues.

the neighbours are just filling her ears, try to get a job for her right away, this will help you in your maintainence case, dont worry about neighbours, if possible, go to a dirty chawl and stay there, tell her to stay with you in that chawl as you cant afford a good house. this will deter her to mix with neighbours

(3).  She does not bother about my kid and leaves him always, and because of this my kid always goes to neighborhood....they complaint about my kid as well.  My wife intentionally does this to bring pressure on me.

deposit money in her account regularly every month, this will save you from cruelty charges, keep the reciepts of deposits safe, deposit by cheque

(4).  When I tell my wife that not to interfere in neighbor's family as it will be disturbing for them if you stay long enough in their house, she takes this as advantage and  tells this info to the neighbor's.

(5).  When I bring non-veg/sweets, etc., in my house, she serves me a little and she takes a very big quantity to neighbor's house and when I ask for more curry/sweets, she states that it is over.  Even neighbor's warned in this regard not to do like this and as this caused them to a lot of inconvinience.


(6).  She gives me tap water instead of drinking water, which made me sick several times.  I caught her like that many times, but she tries to cover it by doing it the other way.

(7).  There are many incidents to what to do in this case.

(8).  Do all the above needs to be proved.

(9).  I decided to give divorce at any cost, but I am preparing myself financially well and want to be prepared by all means if I am charged 498a case by my wife as well.

going by your post, the incidents you mentioned are very hard to prove as  cruelty, but you keep recording or any unusal incidents in spy camera. if there are any threats, just give a written complaint in the police station about your wife threatening you, everything should be in writing, take an acknowledgement copy, .

there are women counselling centres in police commissioners office, apply there for counselling, this will help you for your future 498 cases, you should move first before she moves............remember that


Samir N (General Queries) (Business)     27 August 2013

Before you start any Court proceedings, make sure that ALL your evidence is in place. Haste makes waste... or Stitch in time saves nine... bla..bla..bla...


1. First, start secretly recording everything she says. Be careful what you say because it is getting taped -:)

2. In your recording, start making suggestions about how you should leave together happily... all that song-and-dance... you get it?

3. Go to your neighbor and secretly record conversations with them. Ask them about your wife. If the recordings are favorable to you, then you know what to do.

4. Read on the Family Court Act, Hindu Matrimonial Act, etc. (or whichever law is applicable to you) before you hire an advocate. Most advocates are idiots or crooks and some are both. Therefore, whatever your advocate asks you to do, make sure that there is a legal basis to do it.  Do not file a petition unless you have cross-checked it with at least two advocates (strike your names from the petition when you are taking advise from other advocates too). Get paid opinion from at least two of them but in the end, if you think something odd, do it your way.

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I read your PM to me. One solution there for your problem [wife]. There is a pooja which is called as chappal pooja. Take one old Hawai Chappal, the one you use for your bathroom, and do pooja to your problem as and when required.  Any moment you feel like the problem is seeking attention, then start pooja right away.  Start from the head, and further below.  Every time you do new chappal pooja, start from the head of the problem.  The problem will try to create some noise, but dont let the noise interfere with the pooja that you are doing.  Continue the pooja religiously for a whole fortnight.  Anyway down the line you will have to face arrest under false 498a case. So why not start taking revenge now itself?


Dear helping hand, what is this Chappal Pooja?

I have heard Durga Puja,Kali Puja, Ganesj Puja etc etc..:P

Cld you plz throw some light on this chappal pooja,so that I can also use my old one dozen hawai chappals. Thanking in Advance.

Originally posted by : No wife No tension

Dear helping hand, what is this Chappal Pooja?

I have heard Durga Puja,Kali Puja, Ganesj Puja etc etc..

Cld you plz throw some light on this chappal pooja,so that I can also use my old one dozen hawai chappals. Thanking in Advance.

What to do boss.

Yesterday got new case.  The girls side has very cunningly managed to not send DWO ie district welfare officer to the boys house, asking to come to counseling, also has managed to show door lock for summons issued, and finally arrest warrant issued, both the mother and son are crying uncontrollably, the case is DV case.

That fellow asking me, young chap he is, wat to do, I dint do anything violence, I wish I should have done some violence when she was with me.  Such is the plight of the boys and men in toto now a days.

What else to suggest man for this querist you tell.  Anyhow, down the line this female will file some false case on this querist and make him and his family weep in broad daylight infront of everyone, its better that he start doing this pooja now itself, who knows, the wife's insanity may get cured and our querist here will be free from headaches like facing false cases.


Not to just this querist, I suggest every husband perform this pooja when there is chance. 

Samir N (General Queries) (Business)     27 August 2013

I wish I had received this religious advise earlier. Too late for me. Problem is gone but with this Pooja, it would have gone earlier, I think. Performing this Pooja is also cheaper than giving the same dakshina to advocates.

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     27 August 2013

by hearing your query it is quiet clear that she wants some thing more what you offer but not money but some thing more 

she is rather interested to stay long hours in neighoburs house means take a house were your prefer different speaking language persons staying 

avoid some issues which you think does not harm and join your kid in a play school till you come from office 

take her to counselling for such issues if you prefer or if you not want any such suggestions then finally go for legal battle 


WOW I can use my neighbours Old chappals now...D:

Right advice given by helping hand. No other options left for such man. When Voilence without voilence is created then why not to create real voilence to get real judgements...

Our Indian judiciary is tired why handling false cases let them handle now real cases.:P

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