Originally posted by : deepak |
sir, husband can live with her wife in a separate place, but what is the gurantee of that, her parent is not visiting her house in her husband absence. I mean when he is in office.
Like that one should have CC TV cameras installed in each and every room, or have spy cameras and micro transimtters which you get in LA, fix it everywhere, in her sandals, slippers, her dress, her purse with a full GPRS system in place one can know when wife's parents came, what all they spoke, what all the are planning to do, as all these will be helpul as evidences in getting divorce.
And perhaps a nice German shepard dog in the compound which is let loose would also be helpful in keeping strangers at bay.
That was answer to your question.
Now coming to the real problem in such cases..
There should be some respect for the institution called as marriage.
First by the couple themselves, and next by the parents or parent-in-laws.
Parents or the parent-in-laws should not keep on poking their noses into the lives of their children.
Doing so will only create problems between husband and wife.
Parents and parent-in-laws should understand that their kid is no longer that kid whom you used to carry on your shoulders to the school, but a man a woman who is starting to lead a marital life.
Privacy/space should be given to the couple until they understand each other for the betterment of their own family.
Any poking nose or always giving suggestions will only lead the couple to frustration, finally wife deserting husband and going and sitting in mommy's place, husband's parents thinking where the hell did we get these people etc. Trust me if such a misunderstanding happens it will be mainly due to parents and parent-in-laws intrusion, if not it will be the adamant behavior of either of the spouse. In such cases, instead of letting them in, parents/parent-inlaws should guide their children that to go back and start a life afresh, sheltering them will only end up in breaking the marriage.
Hope some parent/parent-inlaw is listening.