@To all husbands,
Come out from this myth that wife can claim and acquire your property.
There is no law right now which says that wife has right on self as well as ancestoral property of husband.
Legally she is not liable to do so.
But, illegally she can do any thing.
And you know one thing,
In india all laws for women are illegal as they directly infringes the constitutional law like all s*x have equall rights for their liberty and peace, for justice and fraternity, for expression and speeches, for jobs and duties but on practical ground all women friendly laws are making the mockery of the said article led down under constitution,
Unfortunately our apex court has also legallise these women friendly law as constitutional. Till now I didnt understood how....!
But one day the apex court will definitely realise that these laws are directly infringing the common citizens of indias constitutional rights.
The need is to file PIL from all over India.